I have gotten into
e-scrap in the last year, buying old computers and such. I test them, if they test good and are not too old I try to sell as working computers. The bad ones, I open, take out the hard drive, memory, and finger cards and set aside. I leave the motherboard, psu, and often floppy and cd drives attached and sell to the scrap yard for .18#. I have been thinking of sending them to an e-scrap processor from this website. Better than half of the mobo's are p4 or newer. The scrap yard is a 15 minute drive from me. My last load I took in was 30 towers = $135. Shipping them to a processor @ Average $2 pound just motherboards - (minus) shipping - (minus) labor - (minus) materials.
I've come to a Y in the road and not sure what way to go. Suggestions much appreciated.
One more question. I have some windows 98 pc's. I'm pretty sure they are run of the mill. Sell or Scrap?