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Any advice on a junk yard dog:?

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  1. #1
    crownvicscrapper started this thread.
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    Any advice on a junk yard dog:?

    Im currently doing scrap in a partnership with a long time business friend. We're doing really well, even with the scrap prices where they are. Lots and lots of resale of stuff found in the garbage.

    We've been having a few issues with theft and trespassing on my partners property where most of the stuff is stored

    One time there was a really weird guy who I found in the garage on the property 1 hour before a yard sale was supposed to start. He ended up buying a microwave for $15 and some other assorted junk, two day later my partner found the same microwave dumped in the driveway and MY reciprocating saw missing.

    Another time a few of our bags of cans we leave beside the house went missing.

    Last week I found one of the neighbors in the driveway snooping around saying something about a fridge we have for sale.

    Not a good thing when you have over 1k in inventory. Its time for new security measures.

    I'm thinking of a dog. Anyone have any experience with dogs as security? What breed are you using? Are there any foreseeable issues I may run into with this scheme?

    My partner would obviously be taking in the dog as a pet and care for it properly, he has had dogs before and is into the idea. Its main job/purpose would be to deter any thieves and alert us to anyone coming onto the property.

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  3. #2
    ryanw's Avatar
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    My parents have always had rottweilers. They don't even have to act aggressive to deter someone. All of them have been the sweetest pets ever, but if a stranger comes onto the property, they're always on point.

  4. #3
    L0ckAnL0ad's Avatar
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    I've had two German Shepherds as family pets/guard dogs. In my opinion they are the most loyal protective dog you could ask for.
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  6. #4
    ScrappinRed's Avatar
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    Mastiffs are huge and very territorial, but you might want to check into any liability laws. Definitely would post some beware of dog signage, sometimes that's enough to cover your butt.
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  8. #5
    Otto's Avatar
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    I've found Terriers to be good alarm dogs. They're very territorial and will bark if someone is snooping around. Unfortunately, this includes cats, squirrels, other dogs, etc. I don't know if I'd want a dog that could actually do some damage. You wouldn't want a kid retrieving a ball to be mauled. I've had Border Terriers and a Jack Russel. All of them were great watch dogs and nice pets too.

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  10. #6
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    I had a large shepard/rotweiller mix up until he passed last year. The best dog ever. Wouldn't hurt a fly but he had that deep authoritative bark.

    More than enough to make people think twice about coming on the property.

    LOL .... completely harmless and the terror of the neighborhood for years !

  11. #7
    bigburtchino's Avatar
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    The only dogs for me are "rescue" dogs, they become dedicated to their rescuer, protective of me and bark when those that are not welcomed or wanted. In short they more than earn their keep and I just like to have a dog around.

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  13. #8
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    I like this approach better.

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  15. #9
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    This response is based on a life time of working, training, and living with animals. Based on experience, I can trust the animals I have trained when I am in control. When I am not in the vicinity I cannot predict how they would react.

    The liability of guard dogs is beyond what I can accept. My recommendation would be security cameras with app access on your cell phone. Second line of defense would include electric fence used to contain livestock. It will not injure an invader but would give them a warm feeling all over. Thirdly family dogs that warn you of an intrusion of your personal space. Smaller dogs will exhibit their dominance quicker because they are scared. The last line of defense for your partner may offend some, but oh well. A shot gun loaded with buck salt in the barrel, #8 buck shot for the second shot, a slug for the third shot, and # 2 shot for the forth and remaining shots to protect his family.

    Another idea is a sign stating that you believe in the second amendment, but my neighbors do not.

    Summary: Do not depend on dogs to protect your property, depend on yourself.
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  17. #10
    matador's Avatar
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    We have a friend who had a mastiff. That dog would have died to protect her. The dog was put down for internal twisting somewhere, but she made a very good guard dog when need be, and was quite friendly with family and friends.
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  18. #11
    ChildhoodDream's Avatar
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    Check out "Night Owl Security products". They have a great camera set up that is around $500.00 with 4 inferred cameras and you can have another 4 added on to the control system that's about the size of a older DVD player. You can even set it up to check on things by wireless device/cell phone. Can be set up on 12 volt as it uses the little power transformers you plug in the outlet. The cameras can be up to 180 feet from the control unit by using three 60 foot cables that also have the power lines running along them for powering the cameras. For about a grand you can have 8 cameras with some of them 180 feet away from your control unit.

    Yard dogs can cause legal problems as well as feeding and vet bills for health issues.

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  20. #12
    t00nces2's Avatar
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    In my opinion, you had better be careful using a "guard dog."I would opt for a barky, friendly family dog that you count on not to be viscous. I would recommend motion lights. They can be very low draw LED lights that will flood an area with light and discourage someone from walking where you do not want them.

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  22. #13
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    All a dog is good for is companionship, all a thief has to do to become friends with the dog is remove a shoe then toss a dirty smelly sock close enough the mutt is able to smell it. Since the sock with the owners scent invaded the dogs territory the owner of the sock is soon to follow free from being molested by your ferocious watch dog.

    Another trick some theifs will use is to find a female in heat to distract your watch dog works really well if your dog is a full hardware male.

    Install a good WIFI camera system with sign-age your problems are over.
    Last edited by alloy2; 08-01-2015 at 12:44 PM.

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  24. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Otto View Post
    I've found Terriers to be good alarm dogs. They're very territorial and will bark if someone is snooping around. Unfortunately, this includes cats, squirrels, other dogs, etc. I don't know if I'd want a dog that could actually do some damage. You wouldn't want a kid retrieving a ball to be mauled. I've had Border Terriers and a Jack Russel. All of them were great watch dogs and nice pets too.

    A nice domestic flock of Toulouse geese will put up a racket for strangers while the Chinese geese squak at anything that moves, the Guinea fowl top the list for watch dog, your neighbours will love ya.

    If you have a lot of tics on your property Guinea fowl are the only animal that I know of that eats tics by the thousands.

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  26. #15
    pjost's Avatar
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    We currently have 4 dogs. Whenever someone enters the property the yellow lab gets the other 3 riled up, then it's a bark-fest.
    The yellow lab (Durango) has also bitten 2 people. Luckily they were both my wife's relatives lol!!! He hasn't drawn blood or anything, he just lets strangers know who the boss is. Best part is he bites in-laws on the @ss.
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