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I was reading an article about scrapping AC's. In the following thread people were
asking if it was worth it to remove the copper tubing from an aluminum copper radiator
to make more money. The answer, if any of you haven't figured it out by now, is no.
first the remaining aluminum fins you get (if you manage to separate them) wont be
Taken by the scrap yard because aluminum that thin just flashes off in the furnace, so it
isn't worth anything. Second on lets say a 30 pound radiator, only 3 pounds of it (if your lucky)
will be copper either #1 or #2 copper depending on the yard and if it has any soder. At $.90/lb
for Al cu rads you'll get $27. For 3 pounds of #2 copper, you'll get a measly $4.50. So why
Would you throw away $22.50?
Let me start by saying that I haven't broken down any of copper aluminum
A/C fins recently, so I can't confirm or prove wrong your numbers.
That being said, I strongly disagree that on a 30 pound copper aluminum A/C fin that you would only get 3 pounds of copper. My gut feeling is that if the steel ends are taken off, that you should have at least 15 to 18 pounds. Now let's get to the aluminum, I have never been told by any of my yards that the won't take that aluminum. I think you need to do some research. Find a video showing a shredder shredding these and then separating them. All that aluminum is sold to aluminum smelter.
Let's go back to your scenario. A scrap yard just paid you $27.00 for 30 pounds of copper aluminum radiator. Are they going to throw out the aluminum and be left with 3 pounds of copper. They would have to be able to sell it for $9 per pound to break even and that doesn't take into account labor, or overhead. If yards could sell #2 copper for $9 per pound, I would have quite my day job by now and owned one.