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600# of copper - Page 2

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  1. #1
    Randerson's Avatar
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    It also may depend on how often you are going to supply that amount of material. If it's a once a year type thing then it may not pull as much as once a month. A lot of my daily customers bring 600# of #1 copper over a years time. yes it's nice to get all 600# at once but if your only gonna do it once a year if that then it may not make the buyer want to pay much of a premium.

    Also, it may not be worth you saving the material to get your weight up to 600# if it is going to take you long. The market could drop .10+/- cents in a day or could go up .10+/- cents in a day. and like Newattitude said there isn't much wiggle room. Right now I would say there is a .15/lb difference from my biggest dealer.

    If I were you, I would just sell what I have at the end of each week, or if you keep working and get stuff at each job then you may just want to do it once a month. Holding material is a finicky thing. It's kinda like playing craps. sometimes you will lose money and sometimes you will win.

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  3. #2
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    You are correct, but I would still call several places and ask for prices....

  4. #3
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    I was selling any metal I had weekly for a year.
    In that I was working on the fact that, as we weigh up metal in Kg amounts in NewZealand, I was loosing about a Lb, or just under a 1/2 Kg of Copper with every sale.
    So thats 52 times 0.5Kg Cu = NZ$160 or US$140. Loss

    Last year I saved up all my metal for the whole year and sold it all in one sale. 340Kg Cu#2 & 50Kg Domestic.
    I lost a bit of money because of dropping prices, about NZ$200. or US$160. Loss.

    So It was about the same except I really confused the scrapmetal buyer when I was not comming in every week. ("What did WE do????")
    And I saved a lot of time from not carting it there every week.

    I honestly don't know what advise to give.
    Sell it as soon as you can?
    Save it up and sell it in one go?
    Save it up and sell it when you hit a targeted amount of $ or metal?
    Sell of the Ferrous to pay for fuel and food? And to keep the volume of stored metal down?
    Churn and burn? Sell it as soon as you get it and turn that money into more scrap investment.
    Sell only one metal each visit? Decide by price or volume of metal?
    Wait for higher prices or sell now to lock in the current price before it drops.

    Overheads, space, goals, expenses, investments, returns, security, responsibilitys, time, tools. They all have their own factors in your decisions.
    At the moment I am working on my house and need money for materials. This also affects my storage abilitys (I can't find my good wood router and bits!!!) for scrapmetal. And my working space for doing the house work. And Time. Thats a biggie factor.
    Time I can use on the house, or scrap metal, which gives me money and space to do the work on the house, which takes money.... and time.

    Oh, and the weather....
    Last edited by eesakiwi; 09-02-2015 at 05:24 AM.

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