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I am not an
ebay seller. I'm doing ok just sticking to my area. But I do get things that would not sell around here. So I will be on ebay eventually. And I did bid low in part to get the next job from the same person. He is trying to retire from his job and just flip houses. So I am hoping he will make money on this house and move to the next, and hire me again. I mentioned in the first post I am saving, don't have, that much weight. But I will call around. I know I can't work out a price today and sell a month later for said price. I'm super busy and sometimes my mind is in other places.
A small piece of advice on your demo business. Never price your self low in order to get in the door thinking you will pick it up on the next job. If the contractor hires you based on a low price, as soon as your prices go up, they will find another demo guy. People who buy based on price alone are not loyal to who they buy from. They are only loyal to their money.