It also may depend on how often you are going to supply that amount of material. If it's a once a year type thing then it may not pull as much as once a month. A lot of my daily customers bring 600# of #1 copper over a years time. yes it's nice to get all 600# at once but if your only gonna do it once a year if that then it may not make the buyer want to pay much of a premium.
Also, it may not be worth you saving the material to get your weight up to 600# if it is going to take you long. The market could drop .10+/- cents in a day or could go up .10+/- cents in a day. and like Newattitude said there isn't much wiggle room. Right now I would say there is a .15/lb difference from my biggest dealer.
If I were you, I would just sell what I have at the end of each week, or if you keep working and get stuff at each job then you may just want to do it once a month. Holding material is a finicky thing. It's kinda like playing craps. sometimes you will lose money and sometimes you will win.