i have tried to post this twice today only to hit the wrong key and lose it all twice. but it is important enough (to those who care) to try once more.
Comex ratng is now over 220 oz. of paper Gold per oz of 1 oz claimed asset of each 1 oz gold held. DO NOT BUY PAPER GOLD AS AN INVESTMENT OR INCLUDE IT IN YOUR PORTFOLIO PLANS, OR RETIREMENT PLANS.
To put it simply ,do you think if something goes wrong with the economy your investment house is going to send a guy to your house to deliver your gold.
At the same time(over a Holiday weekend) hmmmm seems to be a lot of that going around all the way back to 1913 Christmas holidays when the FED, and income taxes were established by a vacationing congress.
Also the Gold price actually fell during this announcement when they actually should have gone up. The Chinese government announced that Gold will be accepted as collateral in banks like property or a car basically recognizing it as money. What that means is that as China sees it there is a floor on the value of Gold very near to where it is valued now.
Texas has established the regulations of a Bullion Bank, a step to recognizing Gold as money. (Hooray for Texas).( I want to live my next life in Texas)
Based on the amount of paper Gold vs. physical gold in existence the current "real value" of Gold should be some were near $24400 per oz, an impossible number, irrefutable prof it is all just a scam.
Silver is not left out. there is a $50 Vat. on each 20 oz, of silver above and beyond normal acceptable profit margins. Asian countries including India are paying it with out a squawk. I am not an adviser of any kind and cannot be held responsible for investments based on the above. Im just an avid researcher. that said I think I have about an oz. and a half of Gold flakes laying around from my last batch of refined fingers any takers, Ill sell them at half price $12200 per oz.

. mcw