ok I am going to help you...but it should be pretty clear from the MANY threads on here.
Approximately 80 Pentium 4-era complete desktop computers each with 1-2 dimms of ram, hard drive, optical drive, floppy, drive, cpu, motherboard, power supplies, all cables, etc...
boards, CPU, ram, hard drive board...send it off. You will end up paying somewhere in the neighborhood of a WHOLE .30/lb if you use one of the big guys in the buyers section...I am betting that locally you won't get .30 LESS that they pricing...it will be FAR less. YMMV IF you are lucky and have a good buyer. The rest...hard drive, cdrom, power supply, cables...sell locally most likely...cost to ship vs weight isn't good enough until you get a BUNCH where you can ship freight.
Approximately 30 15-17" CRT monitors.
If you are bored and want a few bucks...pull them apart...you will get wire, a brown board of 2, and a copper bearing yoke. If you pull these, then put the case back on and take to your local Best Buy...you usually can bring 3-4 per day unless you make arrangements with the manager (take a shot, only things they can say is NO). COST= $0
An assortment of old expansion cards (NICs, video cards, etc.)
Short and ship out. Again, I am betting local prices are WAY less than the .30/lb to ship
1 Dell PowerEdge 1750 server. Not sure how many CPUs or RAM, but its friggin' heavy. I'm sure the majority of the weight of worthless.
People ALWAYS tell others on here to check EBAY for pricing on items...look at the SOLDS in the last 30 days. A simple search showed the server selling for $10 or less generally...YOU MIGHT can get a few bucks for some pieces...put a few parts up there and they MAY sell if you actually want to put in the effort for the bit of money
Maybe a few hundred pounds of random cables: Parallel, serial, power
sell local...power cables are higher grade wire than the smaller stuff...sort according to your yard.
There you go...all laid out for you. Assuming you read the threads like you said, most everything was covered for you and past threads had the same suggestions. Last 150 pounds I sent in to Ewasted...$400 (AFTER shipping costs)..locally, would have been 50-70% of that MAYBE.