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Dee, i'll still call ya buddy.
And about the jewelry.....well i was raised to be a country gentleman, and can honestly say have never talked to a lady about my nether regions gettin shocked back to the 50's. But hell, theirs a first for everything!
Ah man, yall are somethin else i tell ya what.
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Hey Newattitude have you noticed that the motors that are burned out have greenish blue color to parts of the windings?
When I take apart the AC units I like to find just where things went awry.
When the white man discovered this country Indians were running it
no taxes, no debt, women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Old Cherokee saying
I did not surrender, they took my horse and made him surrender. - Lone Watie
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^^^ I have seen some burned motors but didn't notice the bluish/green color, I will make sure to look closer next time. Lol, its funny when you come upon something that burned out if you can't smell it before tearing down and say to yourself, ''Yeppers, that burned out right there!''
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on the big ones I always use my sawsall....sometimes cut down the center all the way to the "brick"...and sometimes turn it sideways and cut the whole side off (cut copper off right down side of "brick")and punch it through. It just takes a little practice like everything else and soon you'll be real fast at it. I know some like the grinder best....whatever works. Personally, I only use my grinder when I have to.....that thing is dangerous !! Wish I were more technalogically (sp?) oriented so I could make a video. Mech ???? Snodly???? Injun????
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I have done a lot of those small transformers. Mostly 25 - 50 gms but theres bigger ones too.
I always look at them as 'the last Kg of copper' ie; "I would have had 5 & 1/2kg copper, but with them its 6Kg" (insert Lbs if you want to) So I actually got 1 Kg extra.
Easy ways>
Check if theres a weld down the sides of the iron core (like the microwave transformers) You can bash these ones with a hammer & the iron core breaks into 2 peices. Now rip the copper out.
Wood chisel or 'meat cleaver & hammer' one side of the copper windings off, punch the other side out, clean off insulation.
Cut thru one side of the windings with a cut off disc or a meat cleaver or chisel, chuck the thing in a fire & burn the insulation off.
Now rip out the loose copper windings (burnt copper!)
Cut directly thru the iron core with a meat cleaver inline with the laminations, sort the metals out.
(the last resort unless the design makes it easyer)
Pulling the laminations.
Depending on the design it can be easy once a few I & E's are removed, normally they are covered with varnish which glues them all together.
Burning the lot.
Burn them all off in a fire, use a longish tapered sharp knife down the gap between the copper coil & the core & hammer it down thru the gap while it cuts thru the 'now soft' copper wire. Easy & dirty.
Hi there, new here, just introduced myself a minute ago! -the windings are coated with a thin resin to provide insulation between each wire, the transformers work by either stepping up voltage and decreasing current or stepping down voltage and increasing current. This is done by the number of coils on opposite sides of the transformer which is why you will see one side has bigger coils but less of them and the other has smaller coils but more of them. If there was no insulation between the wires then both sides would basically count as 1 big wire on each side and so the transformer won't do it's job.
Even if it looks pure and not an off red orange colour it is still coated and this is why yards pay less for it. This applies to all wires in transformers, electromagnets and motors.
Hit the small ones with a sledge. Works for me.
I've scrapped several arc welders and I cut the transformer in half with the chop saw
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Good too see people are still SEARCHING and finding some good info on here.
By the way, for them little transformers out of the plug "boxes", i just use an angle grinder to get through it. Done it a million times. Put it in a bench clamp first though. Aint worth grindin down to yer knuckle.
I did 5-6 wall warts today in among some motors. I like to change up and do some small ones then do a few big ones it keeps me from getting bored. I pluck off the brass outlet contacts and put them in another can, its all money. Thanks Hoss for a good thread, Mike.
"Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}
Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked
i have a bag of phone & telephone chargers would it really be feasible to cut them open or just cut wire off and scrap as they are
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