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The CPU manufacturers would know how much gold they used per product line.
The people that know, do lot of research into production runs and their PM (Precious Metals) content.
When they start a new run of components they normally have a high Gold content because theres less chance of failed components or boards.
Failed parts when a item first comes out gives a product a bad name.
Then they get their quality control up and the first place they look afterwards for savings is Gold.
I have 4 identical facia boards from security alarms keypads.
The first one is a nice thick bright Gold plating, the second is a dullish Gold plating, the third is Gold plated with a lightish tone to it and the forth is Copper under varnish.....
Makes sense, its a 'Security product' saving a dollar is going to cost someone more than a few $$.
You want the keypad to work everytime you push the button, you don't want false alarms either, someones life is at risk.
But, well it works good now, quality controls good, where can we save money.....?
The last run, "Hey its almost all profit now, cheaper switches, cheaper parts, developments paid for itelf, trusted product... Gets get rid of the Gold..... But still charge the same. Our next models coming out in 3 months anyway".
Security and Medical products, and Telecom and the Space/Air industry have LOTS of Gold in them.
Lives are at stake.
With enough searching people can find out exactly how much Gold there is in a board for every production run the company made.
This is helpfull, it determines buying price of
escrap and also they know which porocess it should go thru and how much of any PM they will get in the end.
I think the actual refiners seperate out the boards into sub catagorys and then individual production runs.
Like we might seperate out the HardDrive boards and sell them that way. They seperate out the different Hard|Drive boards into different models, and then seperate out the production runs of these models.
Then they process all of a certain run untill they get X amount of Gold etc, then do some other process, maybe combining the result of different processes.
Like stripping components, then washing the Silver\bismuth solder off, getting the Copper wires that were still soldered to the boards, then washing the Gold plate off the boards, then mincing the boards to a paste then extracting any Copper, then Gold out of the paste.
I still chuckle to myself when I remember one persons first go at 'getting the Gold out of computers'...
After about 4 days he had spent a fair amount of money and got a little Gold back and was still processing it in his garage.....
Then he noticed a weird rust speck on some metal fixtures in his garage, an the same rust speck on his 3 years old Saab car...
So he has a closer look at his car, finds more rust specks and "Uh oh"....
Touches the rust specs up and sells the car the next day, for a $4000 loss...
If he had not noticed and left it for a week, theres no way anyone would have brought that car, not a dealer anyway.....
= How to loose $5000 in less than a week by refining Gold yourself.