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The little bit of copper is just iceing on the cake for the brass mill's.
I have figured that too. Having a excess of the more expensive metal must be a bonus.
Sorta like the Ali/Copper radiators. If its a CPU one and I can knock the Copper off, I do it. If its going to take any extra time at all, its a bonus to the buyer.
And when I have a 'Silver soldered' Copper or Copper/Brass connection, I cut as close to the join as possible and make the join a separate preice of metal in my 'Domestic Copper' scrap.
Any good peices of heavy Copper tube go into 'Copper #1 and I get more for it.
The silversoldered joins probably get separated out somewhere in China. Its only 5-15% Silver anyway.
But yeah, things are changing as Mattin the hat said. 'Keep the grades clean' seems to be the new way.