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How to Recycle AC radiator

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  1. #1
    ALLrecycling started this thread.
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    Cool How to Recycle AC radiator

    Every scrapper’s dream is to find a “jackpot” of metal that is ripe for the picking. If you have any type of experience under your belt, you’ll know that “jackpots” are not happened upon often...unless, you happen to find an AC radiator.

    These are the non-ferrous tube systems that are used to compress air and radiator off heat. The bigger the AC unit, the larger its radiator are and the more valuable it is.
    Scrap radiators come in a few different flavors: aluminum, copper-aluminum, and copper-brass. When it comes to scrap air conditioner radiators, however, they are almost exclusively copper-aluminum. That is to say, they have aluminum fins with copper tubes.

    To get the best prices for your scrap radiators, you will want to clean them up! This doesn’t mean you should pull out the soap and water. This means you need to remove all steel contamination from the aluminum/copper. This means cutting off the steel with sawzall or circular saw. After cutting off the steel , be weary of the hydraulic oil that will drain out the scrap AC units and scrap radiators/condenser coils.

    In fact, if you have the way to get large amounts of radiators, you can get more profits by using AC Radiator Recycling Machine[/URL]. It can realize the perfect separation of copper tube and aluminum fins without any damage and copper loss. This machine is a real money maker. Find it on our website quickly!

  2. #2
    HT1's Avatar
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    Dude, that machine is wired for 380V no one in the two american continents can use it,
    and it is dated anyhow, everyone just granulates rads and eddies out the aluminum now days,
    that machine hates curved, bent, material... so it hates baled rads, which is the only way you are going to get the sort of volume that will make it pay for it's self

    stop trying to sell antiques as viable equipment

    V/r HT1

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  4. #3
    andyheim's Avatar
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    what he said...

  5. #4
    AdmiralAluminum's Avatar
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    I was gonna have a SPAM sandwich for lunch but now I'm all SPAMMED out!

  6. #5
    hobo finds's Avatar
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  8. #6
    AMSrecycling's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HT1 View Post
    Dude, that machine is wired for 380V no one in the two american continents can use it,
    and it is dated anyhow, everyone just granulates rads and eddies out the aluminum now days,
    that machine hates curved, bent, material... so it hates baled rads, which is the only way you are going to get the sort of volume that will make it pay for it's self

    stop trying to sell antiques as viable equipment

    V/r HT1
    Can't it be used in North America? What's the voltage of your place? I feel curious about it.

  9. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by AMSrecycling View Post
    Can't it be used in North America? What's the voltage of your place? I feel curious about it.
    220 VAC 60 HZ residential with a 480y/277 for industrial aplications

    and yes we could probably get your machine to run with a shortened life of the motor, but it is still an "antique"

    V/r HT1

    P.S. buy a membership

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  11. #8
    ALLrecycling started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by HT1 View Post
    Dude, that machine is wired for 380V no one in the two american continents can use it,
    and it is dated anyhow, everyone just granulates rads and eddies out the aluminum now days,
    that machine hates curved, bent, material... so it hates baled rads, which is the only way you are going to get the sort of volume that will make it pay for it's self

    stop trying to sell antiques as viable equipment

    V/r HT1
    Why do you think it is antique? It is fact that some of Ac radiator may be distorted when processed and some are still in good shape. For the former, there is radiator recycling plant, suitable for both kinds. For the latter, this radiator recycling machine is enough because of its competitive price and high efficiency. In my country, they are very glad to own this machine because they have large amount of radiators in good shape. So I am a little puzzled if the scrappers in your country can't get quality AC radiator scrap.

  12. #9
    ALLrecycling started this thread.
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    And its voltage can be customized according to the customer's need.

  13. #10
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    If you are going to be a seller/promoter of this equipment don't you think you should become a paid member or explain why not? Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  15. #11
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    Mike, that's not going to happen.

    A lifetime membership doesn't cost that much. I was glad to pay, but you have to consider how many other sites they're spamming.

    That could get real expensive!

    They're like little children. They know just how far they can go without really getting in to trouble.

    Him and his other 2 cohorts (ars and wrs) are going to continue until enough of us use the report button and really express our concerns.
    Last edited by jimicrk; 03-30-2016 at 05:15 AM.

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  17. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimicrk View Post
    Mike, that's not going to happen.

    A lifetime membership doesn't cost that much. I was glad to pay, but you have to consider how many other sites they're spamming.

    That could get real expensive!

    They're like little children. They know just how far they can go without really getting in to trouble.

    Him and his other 2 cohorts (ars and wrs) are going to continue until enough of us use the report button and really express our concerns.
    I would think even these guys would recognize the far reach that this forum has in the scrapping business. Failing to be respectful and promoting in an open way is a mistake made by those who think they are smarter.

    Personally I would welcome real equipment representatives to this forum. I see a real need for equipment designed for smaller sized scrappers. Hopefully we will have some join the forum in the future. Mike

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  19. #13
    HT1's Avatar
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    i'll bite. what other site could they be spamming trying to sell INDUSTRIAL recycling equipment???

    V/r HT1

    P.S. I dont really mind them showing equipment, but show me something good, something I have not seen, something I might find useful, the equipment they are showing is too big for the average scrapper here, and too small for a medium -large yard.

    the radiator machine is great if a can get someone to operate it for a slice of bread a day

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  21. #14
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HT1 View Post
    i'll bite. what other site could they be spamming trying to sell INDUSTRIAL recycling equipment???

    V/r HT1

    P.S. I dont really mind them showing equipment, but show me something good, something I have not seen, something I might find useful, the equipment they are showing is too big for the average scrapper here, and too small for a medium -large yard.

    the radiator machine is great if a can get someone to operate it for a slice of bread a day
    The Scrap Metal Forum isn't the only scrap forum out there. I frequent a few and I'm sure there are others, but none as good as the SMF.

    As far as them showing/selling equipment, I feel like they should purchase a Buyers and Sellers membership. Forum rules and the Moderators have told them the same thing and have deleted some of their posts.

    If you move your business to certain countries, you could could hire employees for a slice of bread a day. Hell, give them 2 and they could make a few soccer balls also.

  22. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimicrk View Post

    If you move your business to certain countries, you could could hire employees for a slice of bread a day. Hell, give them 2 and they could make a few soccer balls also.
    If I moved a business from it's current market to another, I would not have access to the same scrap, why not just ship scrap to a country with cheap labour and take advantage of that? Oh and of course I do not have to move to said nasty country :-) QED.

    V/r HT1

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  24. #16
    EDC76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by miked View Post
    If you are going to be a seller/promoter of this equipment don't you think you should become a paid member or explain why not? Mike
    I'd rather they not even be here since all they're doing is peddling Chinese made garbage with no warranty or replacement parts that's guaranteed to fail before you can even make half your money back on it.

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