What you should do is turn it in as is and send me a check for 2 dollars. Lol. In other words, you're just wasting money turning it in as is. Even if it's only 3 lbs of stuff (not really worth a yard trip to begin with) not sorting it out is just throwing money away. If you have massive volume you need to move fast, sometimes it makes more sense to lose a few pennies to make a few bucks. But if you're just starting out and have that small of an amount, build good habits now. Instead of one big bucket, collect in 2 or 3 smaller bins. Trust me when I say, the "I'll get to it later" buckets pile up a lot faster than you think and take 4 times as long to sort and separate than it would have taken to sort everything right from the get go. Take the little bit of stuff you have and a half hour in front of the tv, sort it out while enjoying a cold one, and build up an (at least semi) organized collection, and when you have a decent amount of material, take it in for pay day.