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Whats 100 pound window AC worth as is ?

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  1. #1
    Brownred started this thread.
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    Whats 100 pound window AC worth as is ?

    Hello everyone.. Newbie scrapper. I got a question. What do you guys think a 100 pound window AC would bring at scrap yard just the way it is ? The refrigerant has all ready leaked out and that's why it was replaced. Since i done have it in back of my truck thought about taking it in tomorrow as is since I'm taking in a load of cans

  2. #2
    HipoGear's Avatar
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    They probably won't take it as-is due to EPA concerns. If they do, it would probably be shred, about 5 cents a pound ... $5.00 total.

  3. #3
    Brownred started this thread.
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    Thanks for the reply. I may just chop it up. How much value is one when stripped down ?

  4. #4
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    Cu-Al coils - around 7-10lbs at $.70lb

    compressor and fan motor - around 40lbs at $.10lb

    insulated wire - 1-2lbs at $.50lb

    rest of it 20lbs shred at $.05lb

    my guess is $10-$12

  5. #5
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    Save up your different metals seperate if you can, until you have a goodly amount of one classification.

    It makes a difference here where we get paid in Kgs, ie, every sale here is actually one pound over the Kg on average.
    Five separate sales costs me 5 Lbs of metal.... On average.
    So if I combine them all as one sale, I end up getting paid for a extra 2Kgs that I wouldn't have normally.

    I have found air conditioning pumps and heatpump compressors not worth the time to take apart, but fridge/freezer compressors are. There's about 2lbs of Copper wire in them.

    Save up your nonferrous metals and sell your Iron/shred/sheet metal as it comes in.

    The Ali/Copper radiators, use a electric jigsaw, or a anglegrinder to cut the Copper loops off the ends, cut flush with the Steel strip on its OutSide, then use pliers to rip that Steel strip off. Its cleaned down now, = best $$, and the loops, as domestic Copper value. Takes the least amount of time for better return.
    You can chuck any Ali/Copper heatsinks that you get from computers etc in with that too.

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  7. #6
    mthomasdev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brownred View Post
    Hello everyone.. Newbie scrapper. I got a question. What do you guys think a 100 pound window AC would bring at scrap yard just the way it is ? The refrigerant has all ready leaked out and that's why it was replaced. Since i done have it in back of my truck thought about taking it in tomorrow as is since I'm taking in a load of cans
    It could cost you $37,500. That is the EPA fine for the intentional release of refrigerant. You have said that the refrigerant already leaked out. Just because it doesn't cool, doesn't mean it is a lack of refrigerant. A compressor or thermostat could be the issue. Have you checked the pressure or pulled the required 4" HG vacuum?
    Overall, it sounds to me like you know very little about air conditioners and how to properly scrap them. I will say this once - leave the refrigerant containing items for those of us who are certified, have the proper equipment and know what we are doing.

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  9. #7
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    As is dirty aluminum.

    Break it down and learn to separate parts as mentioned above. If you have the time and want to learn. If no space or desire to break down sell as is and move on. The EPA is not goanna get you if you break down this one ac unit! LOL I have seen whole fridges crushed at a scrap yard and I am sure some refrigerant escaped into the atmosphere. People have AC leaks all the time.

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  11. #8
    mthomasdev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobo finds View Post
    As is dirty aluminum.

    Break it down and learn to separate parts as mentioned above. If you have the time and want to learn. If no space or desire to break down sell as is and move on. The EPA is not goanna get you if you break down this one ac unit! LOL I have seen whole fridges crushed at a scrap yard and I am sure some refrigerant escaped into the atmosphere. People have AC leaks all the time.
    An AC leak is not an intentional release. Cutting the lines in order to scrap a unit is.

  12. #9
    harsas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mthomasdev View Post
    It could cost you $37,500. That is the EPA fine for the intentional release of refrigerant. You have said that the refrigerant already leaked out. Just because it doesn't cool, doesn't mean it is a lack of refrigerant. A compressor or thermostat could be the issue. Have you checked the pressure or pulled the required 4" HG vacuum?
    Overall, it sounds to me like you know very little about air conditioners and how to properly scrap them. I will say this once - leave the refrigerant containing items for those of us who are certified, have the proper equipment and know what we are doing.
    Or, at the very least, have a certified individual come and pull the refrigerant out of it for you. I have a guy that comes and does it for me at no charge and, if I meet a certain threshold (lots of appliances), he will actually pay me a few bucks. If the machine is repairable, he will just buy it from me. He is in the repair business so it benefits both of us.
    Have Fun,

    I hate rules, but I love junk.

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