Welcome to SMF from the Dakota's. To post pictures you have to have at least 10 posts. You are correct, you cannot drop and paste photos, but a detailed explanation is available in the old threads. In the upper right hand corner is a search bar that can help you find the threads on posting pictures.
We have many experts on the forum that could answer your questions. You will notice on the bottom of your post is a list of similar posts. They may contain your answers. On every post you read you will see a list similar to this highlighting similar posts. The basic answer for all scrap items is you will get a better prices selling them as units on the private market instead of scrapping them. With the low
metal prices I am not surprised you have not any takers on the duct work.
Another item that will help is introducing yourself in the new members section. Members tend to be more responsive to those that take the time to introduce themselves. Good luck.