On my propane rig just used a regulator from a BBQ without a guage.
Some of you might not be aware that your not supposed to use an acetylene tank laying on its side.
Acetylene gas is mixed in liquid acetone for safe storage and usage. Acetone in acetylene cylinders helps stabilize the gas making it non-reactive within the cylinder. In this process, acetylene is dissolved in liquid acetone under high pressure. The cylinder is then filled with porous material like firebrick. This keeps the acetylene in liquid form making it easier to transport the cylinders.
Advantages of Acetoning Acetylene Gas
Acetoning of acetylene when storing it in a cylinder is vital to the safe and effective storage and functioning of acetylene. It is also vital for the safe transportation of acetylene cylinders. Here are a few reasons why acetylene should be stored in liquid acetone:
- It helps stabilize the acetylene keeping it from reacting with oxygen.
- Since pure acetylene cannot be pressurized without causing an explosion, it is mixed in acetone to reduce the pressure.
- Acetone has the capabilities to dissolve large amounts of acetylene. For example, one liter of acetone can dissolve 250 liters of acetylene. This is possible at 10 atmospheres of pressure. Hence, it proves to be a relatively economical method.
Need for Porous Material When Acetoning Acetylene Cylinders
The porous material used in the cylinder serves the following purposes:
- Ensuring there is no free space within the cylinder.
- Helps in cooling the internal atmosphere in case of thermal decomposition.
- Formation of high pressure pockets within the cylinder is a major cause for concern of acetylene cylinder manufacturers, suppliers, and user. However, the porous material helps in relieving any pressure that builds up over time.
Application Example of Importance of Acetoning Acetylene Gas
The fact that acetylene can remain stable when being transported helps in completion of many tasks. For example, welding work can be performed at the higher stories of buildings even without a strong electrical connection. At higher altitudes, pressure decreases, this could prove to be a problem when dealing with acetylene, as acetylene in such conditions can cause explosions. This is where incorporation of porous material and proper acetoning of acetylene cylinders proves to be useful. Both these features help in reducing the pressure that builds up within the acetylene cylinders.
Importance of Safe Handling of Acetylene Cylinders
Dissolving acetylene in acetone is an important process that helps in safe handling of acetylene cylinders. However, extreme caution should still be exercised when handling and storing acetylene cylinders. When using this equipment, it is important to maintain the alignment of the cylinders. Acetylene will remove acetone easier in the horizontal position than when it is used in the vertical position. Hence, the cylinder should be stored accordingly.
Acetylene cylinders should be acetoned properly. At the same time, the porous material used to stabilize the gas should be chosen carefully. If both these processes are not performed well, the gas could remain unstable causing explosions. Hence, acetoning and introduction of porous material in acetylene cylinders is of prime importance for safe storage and handling.