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help cleaning copper ?

| Scrap Metal Tips and Advice
  1. #1
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    help cleaning copper ?

    I cut up some a/c gompressors and got some pretty good wire would qualify as #1 if I could get the varnish and the the glue and plastic bits off some other wire, any body came up with any thing that works, tried boric acid didnt work.
    tried searching the aechives didnt get any thing.

  2. #2
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    For the small increase in value from #2 to #1 it would not pay to buy chemicals nor is it worth the extra time and effort.
    I do agree that cutting them open is well worth the time! I do HVAC work and get a few large units a week.
    I just put all the compressors to the side until I get a bunch of them, then I line them all up and cut open with my cutting torch. Yes it does cost a little for the fuel to cut them open, but with 15 or 20 all ready to go at the same time it's worth it!

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