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So my friend works somewhere where they have a bunch of monitors that work but are garbage as far as the company is concerned. Old CRTs that no one will use. There are a large number.
Said friend would be the person that disposes of the CRTs. So its clear he can just toss them. He tosses stuff all the time as a normal part of his job or has things removed by other employees. He is afraid to take them and scrap them because he thinks someone might consider it stealing.
So what can he do to cover himself? Has anyone had experience with a situation like this?
Tell said riend to get a testrone shot.
How thick is the dust layer on these CRT's. if it's thick enough to make you sneez this would be a good indication they're long forgotten no longer listed as an asset on the company spreadsheet.
Proper way would be to approach managment with a written request then bide your time on a reply.