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Suggestions To Remove Connectors?

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  1. #1
    BKG started this thread.
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    Suggestions To Remove Connectors?

    Hello all...Trying to figure out an easy way to remove the connectors on an 8-way coaxial splitter. The connectors are brass and the casing is aluminum.

    Here's a link of what I'm talking about. (Regret link, can't attach picture).

    DIRECTV 8-Way Wideband Splitter for SWM Satellite LNBs (SPLIT8MRV) from Solid Signal

    The connectors are threaded, so it's possible to screw them off but trying to figure out if there's a tool that I can do this quickly & efficiently. I have a few hundred of these so if I can do quickly & efficiently, it might be worth it to separate.

    Any suggestions would be helpful.

  2. #2
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    Hammer, hatchet, linesman plyers, and nut driver and Philips screw driver attached to an impact driver or drill. Advantage using cordless. I use one bit on the impact driver and the other on the drill.

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