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Funding retirement and funding a business venture is a bit different, I can respect not letting the bank have the money to play with themselves lol!
You are absolutely correct. I was lucky when I was working to save for a rainy day and to buy items that eventually became very valuable in my present life style. That included trucks and trailers to haul horses, welders, cutting torches, and tools. All of the money from scrap ferrous sales has gone back into the business. This includes two large loaders, four trailers, a dump truck, one skid steer, repairs, parts, supplies, and now a semi. I am working on a deal for a semi tub trailer right now which will be my next purchase. The deal at this point includes creating game trails as the owner has lots of hunters. How can a person do this? I live a pretty simple lifestyle, two meals a day, repair equipment for neighbors, and networking. I eat home grown beef, hunt, fish, have a garden as do my neighbors, and willing to do odd jobs traded for the use of tools or other needs. The non-ferrous is gravy on top of everything else. To make a long story short, I use ferrous to fund the business (I do not get a salary) and use the non-ferrous for rewards which I could not afford without it. Yes I live below my means and will until the day someone has to wipe my a**. I have two financial advisers, Clark Howard and Dave Ramsey although neither were syndicated when I started this path. Anyone interested in financial freedom should check out their web sites and pod casts. Did not mean to derail this thread, but this advice will help select your tools, time to buy them, and how to run your business and personal finances.
So the bottom line is to control your finances and the rest will settle into place.