In this thread i will give a little overview about Decorative Metal Mesh Products for architectural and home decoration. Decorative metals such as Decorative Wire Mesh, Perforated Metals and Expanded Metal.
When it comes about architectural or home decoration uses there are three kind of products which comes in very handy are:-
(a) Flat Wire Decorative Mesh
(b) Double Crimp Decorative Mesh Grill
(c) Round Crimp Decorative Mesh
Flat Wire Decorative Mesh - Flat Wire Decorative meshes are special kind of decorative meshes which are woven from special kind of wire providing both modern and traditional cabinets an appealing look.
Double Crimp Decorative Mesh Grill - Crimped Wire Meshes are again a kind of decorative metal mesh which is made of ferrous and non ferrous metal. It further divides in various weaving method for example flat top crimped, intermediate Crimped and lock crimped.
One who is a supplier of such kind of decorative metal mesh should work closely with the technicalities of these products so that they get the finishing which is required.