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Prepping computer and low voltage wire

| Scrap Metal Tips and Advice
  1. #1
    Phoenix02 started this thread.
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    Prepping computer and low voltage wire

    Hello all,
    I have a couple boxes of comouter wires, DVI, VGA, Parallel, etc, as well as another box or so of RCA cables. I called two yards local to me and they are not helpful at all about how they want things prepared. One of them, the girl that I spoke with had no clue about different grades, what criteria met different grades, etc. The other yard told me to just leave them whole and bring them in. She said they would do .20/lb as 30% low yield copper, complete. Should I do this? I pulled the gold plated pins in all the DVI cables, but otherwise everything is complete. Asmall gauge, low yield wire, am I better off just dropping them as is, especially since all the DVI cables have heavy ferrites on both ends, compared to pulling the ends and ferrites, or even stripping down to the thin insulated copper?

    I also have a box of motherboards, memory, CPUs, etc, to sell with the gold-plated pins. There are no yards around me that buy it. One place told me they pay tin/ breakage at .06 a lb for it. Yeah, no thanks. So, I was thinking about just putting it all up on ebay or something. I don't think I have enough to warrant going with boardsort or something.

    Thanks for any advise on the computer wires!

  2. #2
    matador's Avatar
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    We purchase laptop computers and many components for greater than scrap value. We offer a shipping reimbursement program.replies

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    On wire, that's what I do.

    For motherboards, memory, and CPUs, find a buyer on here. There's a large, well known one here offering $14.75 per pound on memory. It's very much worth shipping those types of E-Waste
    More than Scrap Value Shipment Tips:

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  4. #3
    HipoGear's Avatar
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    I am also going through wire. I was stripping the outer jacket and removing ends (pretty sure that is how my yard wants it), just leaving the inner insulated conductors. Then I decided to call the yard to ask about grades. They tell me they only have one. They call it unburnt copper and it is currently around $0.42 per pound.

    Doesn't sound right to me, but hey, that is less work if that truly is the case.
    Copper, brass, and Leather. 3 of my favorite things.

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  6. #4
    mthomasdev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HipoGear View Post
    I am also going through wire. I was stripping the outer jacket and removing ends (pretty sure that is how my yard wants it), just leaving the inner insulated conductors. Then I decided to call the yard to ask about grades. They tell me they only have one. They call it unburnt copper and it is currently around $0.42 per pound.

    Doesn't sound right to me, but hey, that is less work if that truly is the case.
    What yard are you using?

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  8. #5
    HipoGear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mthomasdev View Post
    What yard are you using?
    Its a small yard in Middleport. I grew up with the owner. She inherited it from her father. My location says Rochester but I'm actually about 35 miles West.

    FYI - I called Weitsman one day and asked about low grade boards. They told me $0.01 per pound, LOL

  9. #6
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    they call my #2 ins wire with the ends cut off "#2 insulated wire 25%" and I just got $.53 a pound for it (with my +$.10 bonus pricing for tat trip to the yard)

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  11. #7
    Phoenix02 started this thread.
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    I am in southern California, and it amazes me that my scrap prices seem to be so much lower than what I see elsewhere in the country. I would think we would be the highest- less cost to move the scrap to Long Beach port and out to the Pac Rim smelters. I am in the high desert, so my yard options are low, just a couple up here.

    With the second yard who seemed to know what she was talking about, I asker her if I should cut the ends off or anything and she said I could if I wanted to, but it would only bring it up a couple cents a pound. If the scrap prices we are being offered up here is low, which it seems to be compared to the rest of the country, I wish I had the ware withal to get into escrapping up here- buy a used granulator to process insulated wire and ship large lots of boards and whatnot to one of the recyclers around the country. It seems there aren't many if any places that I can find that pay a reasonable price for boards and whatnot out here in Southern California.

    Most of the boards I have now are p4 and newer, not really worth shipping. I was thinking I might be better off trimming fingers, pulling pins and chips and just lotting it all on ebay.

  12. #8
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    Welcome to the forum. I believe you are likely mistaken but you will need to be the one to decide. I suggest you keep what ewaste you have and do not break it down further at this time.

    Read the old threads. I believe reading all of them would be best. The information you will gain will educate you and put more money in to your pocket(not mine).

    My opinion is you would be best served selling to one of our member buyers. I expect locally you will not come close to their prices and that's taking shipping into account.

    In my situation I live on the east coast in a small town with no major highways going through. I have shipped to Ohio, Colorado, and Connecticut selling to member buyers. So you see our situations may not be that different.

    I also sell some usable items on ebay but all my recycle ewaste goes to buyers here on the forum. 73, Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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