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Who sells hard drives?

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  1. #1
    nutpie started this thread.
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    Who sells hard drives?

    The good and the bad. The good - I picked up a pallet of desktop computers the other day with the hard drives removed. The bad - a few weeks ago I broke down my stash of hard drives. Most of these desktops are resell able, I hope. I have one in front of me ( the rest are in a storage unit for now). It's a HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor. Built for windows 7. I have probably 20 of these. I also picked up 10 or 15 towers build for windows 8. Not sure of the make or model until I go back to the storage unit. Can I buy a decent hard drive with windows 7 or windows 8 from a member on this site?

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  3. #2
    mthomasdev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nutpie View Post
    The good and the bad. The good - I picked up a pallet of desktop computers the other day with the hard drives removed. The bad - a few weeks ago I broke down my stash of hard drives. Most of these desktops are resell able, I hope. I have one in front of me ( the rest are in a storage unit for now). It's a HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor. Built for windows 7. I have probably 20 of these. I also picked up 10 or 15 towers build for windows 8. Not sure of the make or model until I go back to the storage unit. Can I buy a decent hard drive with windows 7 or windows 8 from a member on this site?
    Check with Armygreywolf and Parttimescrapper. They both buy them and I know Army has an E-bay store. If he doesn't chime in, PM me.

  4. #3
    ScrapmanIndustries's Avatar
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    Ive got a few hard drives from various computers i tore apart both at the house and at the yard i work at. But im not a computer guy and have no way of knowing if they work or what specs they are.

  5. #4
    matador's Avatar
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    I also sell a lot of hard drives. If you'd like, you can PM me.

    On software, though, you have to install the Operating System. That's just the legal side of it. The drives that we sell (This will be true for any reputable reseller, too) are fully wiped and blank. You would install your operating system, and any extra software, if you desire
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  7. #5
    armygreywolf's Avatar
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    Two options for you that i can provide, although not right now (need a few days).

    1. I can send you hard drives wiped, tested and ready to go. You would have to install all your own software, I cannot provide it nor keys for it.

    2. You could send me the motherboards, ram and cpu as a combo for everything you have and get paid a good price, save the most you can on shipping and still yield pretty close to what people want to give you on craigslist (at least in my populated area theres just too much competition). could send everything you have in a big box via fed ex then top it off with scrap boards until you get to 69 lbs. Up to you. PM or email me.
    WI ITAD LLC, IT Liquidation Services, we remarket, buy and sell scrap electronics No customer too large or small!

  8. #6
    nutpie started this thread.
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    I need a little time to take inventory and weigh my options.

  9. #7
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    Give it a week or two the wannaCry crisis should bring a lot of new inventory into the e-waste stream.

  10. #8
    nutpie started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by alloy2 View Post
    Give it a week or two the wannaCry crisis should bring a lot of new inventory into the e-waste stream.
    I talked to my computer guy a few days ago. I was hoping someone on here would have a better use for them.

  11. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by nutpie View Post
    I talked to my computer guy a few days ago. I was hoping someone on here would have a better use for them.
    Low level format might be the ticket.

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