first i found a computer battery back up in a garbage can today yay a lead battery=). you know whats funny i put a paper with this written on it in there mailbox and they didnt even txt or call me i wonder why that is? here is what i wrote on it: i am a scrapper my name is michael call or txt me my (num here) i dont take steel or iron things i take are as follows:
ans,window screens,storm doors
car radiators:copper,brass,aluminum
lead:wheel weights,pipes,batteries car,lawn mower,boat,computer backups
stainless steel:sink,bowls,pans
air conditioners,dehumidifyers.electric motors,ceiling fans,microwaves,transformers,extension cords,sweeper cords,anything with a cord i dont take big appliances like washers,dryers,stoves,fridges,freezers
so did i miss anything on here to write down that is good for scrapping? i put papers in peoples mailboxes so far nobody has called/txted yet am i doing something wrong? thanks for your help