You need to check with your curbside service. If they will accept rigids, then you are probably all set as long as your dimensions are good per their terms. But if they don't, even if there is a #7 or #5 resin code (the common
e-waste plastics), then it's just getting "negative sorted" and winding up in a dumpster at the MRF. PETE and HDPE are the high-value plastics; everything else is just along for the ride, at this point.
If you have a steady volume, you might check with Plastics Recycling, Inc., in Indianapolis. I can't speak to much more about them than just my own experiences but so far, it has been excellent. I don't imagine they will buy it (unless you can bale and ship 40k at a whack, maybe) but I have been mailing them some weird stuff from VT and they are quite ready for more of the same.