Some day I'll do a video of how I load a full size washing machine onto my truck, maybe from this explanation some will get the drift of how its done.
If the washing machine is located say behind a house and I've left my dolly at home I'll tip the washer then tip the washer then crap walk it from one leg to the other advancing the machine six or eight inched each time closer to the truck.
Once it's at the truck will position the machine in an upright position fairly close to the tailgate, ( should have been a snooker player ) anyhow it's like lining up that perfect shot. Now I'll bend my knees grab the machine from the top edges then lean back bringing the machine into the air. Then lurch forward landing the two bottom legs onto the tailgate, from there I'm able to straighten then machine to push it further onto the truck.
Once your knees are bent your using the knee caps as a fulcrum, easy peasy, even with a bad back.