This thing (cut open)
Better pic of a flat can sort to indicate the Silver wires.
I save them up, a 8 gallon bucket full now...Will probably get dirty Copper or Transformers price for them.
They come from power supply boards and such as I cannot store or sell them.
You can find larger flatter ones with 4 wire legs on them, mostly they are bridge rectifiers for converting AC to DC. Same things inside them, just more of it..
The Silver wires not worth saving up. Even the Coppers probably worth about 1 cent and less. The Copper refiners will regain the Silver in the end, no huge profit in it, just a little more Silver. I'm not sure what happens to the other (toxic!) metals in it when refining.
If you wanted to get some Silver though, I would try getting it from the Audio amp 'Sanken' power units from old home stereo systems, I scrap them for the transformer Copper and sometimes get a good size Ali ex heatsink too.

Its still not even worth your time to pick the silver out of those amps though, I did a bunch of them once to see what the return was.
Proudly posted it here.
And got told I'd processed 32 cents worth of Silver. Lol