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Scrap Metal Business Cards - Free Template

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    admin started this thread.
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    Scrap Metal Business Cards - Free Template

    Here's a nice Scrap Metal Removal/Services business card template for SMF members. Feel free to download and edit it to suit your needs/business!

    You'll need a program like Photoshop (7 free day trial +$20/month) or GIMP (free, open source) to edit/customize it.

    Since it's hard to find good business card designs for recycling businesses, and many of you don't have the tools or time to customize and design your own, we decided it would be helpful to start offering this template and others as a DFY service to help promote your businesses. But since it's Christmas and we just finished up another template, we thought we would give it away for free as a holiday gift .

    You can do anything you want with it except resell it as your own of course. You're welcome to use the template to customize and print as many business cards as you need.

    This template is designed as per VistaPrint's specifications for a 3" x 2.5" standard business card. The template includes additional space on the edges for the 'bleed' and 'trim' areas - This is because some of the card will be cut off during printing and this makes sure all the important design elements remain, AND so you don't have white edges after cutting.

    VistaPrint's size & design specifications are included in the template to be sure any adjustments you make come out properly.

    The green border will make the business card stand out from other cards even when it's tucked in a wallet.

    You can download the template via the .zip file attached to this thread. (Must be logged-in to download.)

    Click this link to download the template:


    Here's the card design:

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