Originally Posted by
Hmm. I must be doing something wrong then. I went to Fedex to calculate the cost to mail a 20 pound package to boardsort. I estimated the box size and the quote was over $86. Thats about $4.30 shipping per pound. If you know a way to ship a lot cheaper I am all ears. Thanks.
Check out one or more of our buyers and ask them for an estimate of the cost of shipping. They can and will assist you. Check each of buyers prefered method of contacting them. You'll find on their buyer's thread how best to contact them. Be as accurate in estimating size and weight of each box.
Many have price lists posted or links to their current price list. You are at the very beginning of understanding the advantage of being a member of this forum. Keep reading the old threads.
If you are going to ship high priced items then I suggest you look at USPS. Open an account with them and get some of the free boxes sent to you. That same 20 lbs of material may ship for between $12.50-$16.50 which is a real savings.
From you location I would not ship anything of lesser value than ram, cpu and hard drive boards in the small boxes. I would start storing boxes of mobo and other lower priced material until I had enough to make a pallet load. 73, Mike