Originally Posted by
I've seen this done at one of the bigger companies. Actually went thru a shredder and screen. Thier goal was to get more in a gay lord and remove the steel, aluminum, tranformers, etc before shipping to a refiner.

I hope it was done in a closed system. That could be really bad for the people working there every day. Didn't want to get into a complicated discussion about the hazards of
e-waste but i found a pretty straightforward report that was done back in 2001. It gives a basic idea of what kind of poisons someone might be running into when dealing with printed circuit boards.
Closer to home: We had a really good guy here on the board a few years back that was fascinated with all of the little bits & pieces that are found on a PCB. He especially liked the tanty caps & smd's and would break down the boards for them.
Time wore on and he eventually started developing health problems. The doctors and their tests confirmed that he had lead poisoning. He thought it might be from the drinking water but if that were the case his whole family would have taken ill. It's a lot more likely that it came from the work that he was doing with the circuit boards.
He hasn't posted here in awhile.
IMHO .. the best advise anyone could ever give would be for the scrappers to voluntarily limit themselves to dismantling and let the refiners deal with the hazards of breaking up the boards for metals recovery. It's a tricky business and it's the thing that you don't know that can cause you harm.