Update: It's been a slow few months since I started this venture. The good news is I didn't get the large landfill contract. I know, why is that a good thing? If I would have gotten that contract it would have majorly overwhelmed me. The good news is that the landfill reduced the landfill contract from a 3 year to a 1 year renewal. The landfill also told me to come back in a year and bid again. There is a very good chance that I will get it next year. I am now in the process of finding more small suppliers in the area. After all, I would rather find out I don't like doing
ewaste with a small supplier than be locked in a large contract for a year. The big issue I am experiencing is that several companies don't want to change their current process even though it saves them a ton of money. I am willing to pick up from them free of charge and pay them for the ewaste I get. To me it doesn't seem like a hard choice: spend money and put in extra work or let someone else do it for free and get paid. It's going to be quite a challenge to break that type of thinking.