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  1. #1
    zeusophobia started this thread.
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    How much should I sell the scrapping rights to a mobile home for?

    About to buy 5 acres with an uninhabitable mobile home on it. I do not want to take this monumental job on myself.

    If I sold the rights to a scrapper, about how much should I charge them to scrap the mobile home?

    Or should I just break out the tool kit and scrap this thing myself?

  2. #2
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    Personal opinion if you dont want to do it yourself then find a scrapper and let him do it free. Consider it a service because trash bill on one of them isnt going to be cheap. That is unless you have a yard that will take it as it is then just higher a company to drag it to the yard then.

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  4. #3
    406Refining's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zeusophobia View Post
    About to buy 5 acres with an uninhabitable mobile home on it. I do not want to take this monumental job on myself.

    If I sold the rights to a scrapper, about how much should I charge them to scrap the mobile home?

    Or should I just break out the tool kit and scrap this thing myself?
    You can try to sell the job to a scrapper, but I would be extremely surprised if a scrapper paid you to scrap a mobile home. Most scrappers will require you to pay them to take on a job of that size. Depending on the size of the home you're looking at anywhere from $500-$3000+ for a scrapper to take a job of that size. If you put it for free on Craigslist you might get lucky and find someone who will haul it away for a small fee.

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  6. #4
    zeusophobia started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by PartTimeScrapper View Post
    Personal opinion if you dont want to do it yourself then find a scrapper and let him do it free. Consider it a service because trash bill on one of them isnt going to be cheap. That is unless you have a yard that will take it as it is then just higher a company to drag it to the yard then.
    I'd do that if they took the whole thing and left me with nothing but a concrete slab. I was figuring I'd need money to get rid of what they left over.

  7. #5
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    Ditto on the previous postings. Even with an aluminum siding, the profit to labor ratio is low. As a community service I scrapped one and the city had to pay the trash fee. I call it community service because I can make more on other projects with less investment and the trailer was an eye sore in the community. If you can get someone to remove it from the property for free, jump on it.
    Give back more to this world than we take.

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  9. #6
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    Around here we can haul them to the landfill which is the cheapest option. $500 to hire a truck and pay for the over size load permit to haul it plus mileage ($1.50 a mile) and commercial rate at the landfill at $25 a ton. IDK what single wide weights. Maybe 6-8 ton? So lets say $550 total for the truck and $200 at the landfill brings you to $750.

    The last time I filled a 40 yard roll off it cost me a bit over $400 and it was the same kind of stuff from a demo job. Probably need 2 roll offs for a single wide.

  10. #7
    RLS0812's Avatar
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    Aluminum ( or steel ) siding, steel frame, and some copper wire. It's not likely anyone will 'buy' the scrap in the trailer due to all the demo work involved.
    You are going to have a lot of insulation, ceiling tiles, and wood left over after it's ripped apart.

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  12. #8
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    It has been mentioned somewhere around here to see if local fore department would or could use it for training, let them burn it down and then sell the steel that is leftover.
    Better than the dump!

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  14. #9
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    You should make the owner of the land remove the trailer before you buy it. Either that or drop the price of the land.

    No one is going to pay you to scrap that trailer.

    If you will scroll to the bottom of this thread you will see 5 more threads on the same subject. You should read them.

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  16. #10
    NJSouth's Avatar
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    Me personally.... if you have the time... do it yourself. Good learning project, some cash in your pocket and it gets done your way. IF you have the time..... If not see above!! Keep us posted with how you do it. And as always... send pictures!!

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  18. #11
    APA's Avatar
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    PAY someone maybe $100-$200 to clean it up. Make sure they have insurance and know what they are doing.

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