< shrugs > Ahh ... it's no big deal really.
The way i see it ... you've got your gross profit and your net profit after expense.
Ewaste is a volume business. Shipping costs are a significant business expense. If you are a small timer like myself, your operating costs are going to be high and net profit low. That's just the reality of the situation.
As i said before ... this ain't about the money. The knowledge gained is priceless. That's my real profit.
I can't play favorites and recommend one buyer over another here on the open forum. That wouldn't be fair to everybody.
Instead: Could you go over to the scrap buyers thread and check out the Ewaste buyers ? I know of at least a couple that are based one state over from you in Ohio.
I would advise against making a special trip with anything less than a pickup truck load. The real cost of running a vehicle these days is probably around 50 cents a mile. That figures the real costs of wear & tear, depreciation, repairs, fuel, insurance,taxes, and so on. (It's just shipping cost in another form without even figuring in the value of your time.) It would be so easy to tip your business into the red without ever realizing it. You gotta figure these things into the mix when you're running your numbers ... ya know ?