I was you.
Part time.
Now I am full time, an have been for a good long while.
Sadly, I doubt my road to full time would help you.
1. I live on a sandbar.
2. I don't need a lot of customers to be full time, and make a profit I am happy with.
3. I like to roll the dice. I gambled on going full time, it worked for me.
4. I lack the mass amounts of competition most everyone else deals with in their area.
5. No cell phone recycle machines on my sandbar that I'm aware of. Closest is two hours away in Va.
You say you have steady clients. You've been here a good long while, have learned, and contributed, and still learn something when you visit like a lot of us. Your ready to go full time whenever you wanna roll those dice, an place your bet.
Big thing about going full time, an Hills kinda touched on it, is....you never know if the gravy train will end, or prices will drop further. I was lucky, I went full time back when things were still going for a good chunk of pocket jingle. That's a fear I didn't have when I started. I've done well, I'm not rich, but I ain't broke an bankrupt either.

Will things change for me? Eventually yes. This is one instance where I'm glad change comes slow to my sandbar. Folks around here still like to toss things my way, an I take most of it with a smile, unless it's a tube tv. I'm likely to charge you a pickup/drop off fee for a tube tv. To much hassle, to much stress dealing with getting rid of it all.
You were asked about which you make more at....the part-time gig, or the full time. My question is....an forgive me if you've mentioned it before, are you married? If so would your other half be supportive of you giving up your current full time gig for your part time? If your single...then ignore that question. Haha!
In short.....do it, or don't. Only you can decide if the risk vs reward is worth it. It may seem like an easy thing to say, but then again...I took my own advice.
I wish you luck either way, full time or staying part time.
Edit: I forgot to add....I still mainly focus on
ewaste. Now an then I'll do a clean out(Sheds, old buildings, etc) an deal with good old metal. I have no plans to venture into new things. I'll stick with old, it's made me good money. I have no desire to be a buyer, nor do I wanna deal with refineries, so I'm no help in deciding what else to focus on.
Sirscrapalot - "Mary's mother sent her to the store to get nine large cans of beans. Mary could only carry two cans at a time. How many trips to the store did Mary have to make?" ... What kind of a family would only feed the children beans?" - Klinger taking a test...for you young people, that's a Mash reference.