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  1. #1
    recyclersteve started this thread.
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    Does Anyone Keep a Stockpile of Bare Bright Copper?

    I'm curious if any of the scrappers on this site purposely keep a stockpile of bare bright copper wire on hand for a SHTF scenario. Copper is used in so many things that I thought it might be good to consider keeping a bucket full of bare bright. I don't know specifically what I'd use it for (perhaps barter?), but figured there might be value in having it on hand. And I am not referring to having containers of copper coins on hand- I am specifically referring to copper wire.

    What does everyone else think?

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  3. #2
    msmoorad's Avatar
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    im sure many guys from the US, Canada etc may have a stockpile but as for me, i just cant afford it-
    i dont have anywhere to store it and i need the money NOW..forget about when things get worse.

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  5. #3
    auminer's Avatar
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    I'm not sure copper would be a viable material to stockpile for a SHTF scenario.

    Presumably, in such a scenario, there'd be mass chaos... power outages...roads clogged with cars that you can't find gas to refuel... blazing wildfires no-one is even trying to put out... millions of dead peeps... Seems to me, that copper wire would be ubiquitous in the homes no longer occupied by the aforementioned dead peeps. Same with gold and silver, for that matter.

    I have a few ammo boxes. One has a few dozen pounds of silver. The rest have various caliber ammunition. Unfortunately, all of my firearms were tragically lost in a boating accident years ago, though.

    In a SHTF scenario, I actually don't see me even carrying the silver box with me to my bugout spot. I gotta assume that such travel will be done on foot, or at best bicycle, unless I can rustle up a horse. I don't think I'll be in the mood to carry the silver box for long in favor of the much-more-immediately-useful brass&lead boxes. I'll darn sure bury it so I can come back & get it assuming I survive to see calmer times, where bartering with silver might be viable.

    Problem is, I'd bet that the first few months of such a scenario, ""bartering"" will be done mostly at gunpoint. Resulting in a whole lot more dead peeps.

    I hope such a thing never happens.

    EDIT: here's the current #1 copper stash. Not a stockpile, per se, but I have plenty of space to store, don't need the $ RIGHT NOW, and I think pricing will improve before the previous two factors change.

    Maybe 50-60 pounds at present.

    Last edited by auminer; 10-17-2019 at 04:11 AM.
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  7. #4
    hills's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by msmoorad View Post
    im sure many guys from the US, Canada etc may have a stockpile but as for me, i just cant afford it-
    i dont have anywhere to store it and i need the money NOW..forget about when things get worse.

    MSM ... things don't seem so good on the African continent. We've been trying to help since i was a little kid but it seems we're only adding to the suffering.

    Good intentions and all.

  8. #5
    hills's Avatar
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    I don't see much use for copper in a shtf scenario.

    These are much more useful. They can be put to a variety of purposes. They're lightweight to carry in your bugout bag. Great for barter & trade.

    Last edited by hills; 10-17-2019 at 05:57 AM.

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  10. #6
    msmoorad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hills View Post
    I don't see much use for copper in a shtf scenario.

    These are much more useful. They can be put to a variety of purposes. They're lightweight to carry in your bugout bag. Great for barter & trade.

    i think ppl will prefer to do it au naturel in a SHTF scenario...and ifs its a nuclear thing, then all the more reason bcos the population will be really low.

  11. #7
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    Well ... try to use your imagination ... what would a SHTF scenario look like ? What would it be like to live in that world ?

    It would most certainly a world of disease, famine, and war. Clean water would be scarce. Poor sanitation.Entire communities living in human filth.Too many people / not enough food. Infant mortality very high. Roving crime gangs and psychotic warlords with their fiefdoms.Generally horrible quality of life.

    Kerie Eleison ... why would anyone bring an innocent child into that world. It would only make things worse.

  12. #8
    SKWrapper's Avatar
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    I actually had to Google "SHTF" lol

    Nope, I don't. I do have some food, water and canned goods and what not in case of some type of disaster etc...

  13. #9
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    Guns, ammo, knifes, water sources, heat sources, shelter/shelter material, clothing

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  15. #10
    ScrapmanIndustries's Avatar
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    unless your planning on setting up some command wire for your self defense bombs then I don't see the point.

  16. #11
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    From a normal utility perspective romex, extension cords and normal #1 80% are probably more useful than bare bright. But no, am not stockpiling anything although sometimes my workspace looks like I am lol

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  18. #12
    recyclersteve started this thread.
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    Let me add a clarification point. Let's ignore the SHTF situation itself, but think about the early stages of the recovery period when lots of repairs need to be made to infrastructure, etc. If mines are not yet open and producing and you are nowhere near a scrap yard (for instance, if you live in a rural area), I can envision a situation where a handyman type would need some copper around to make needed short-term repairs. Of course, they would also likely want to have WD-40, duct tape and a few other items as well.

  19. #13
    t00nces2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by auminer View Post
    I'm not sure copper would be a viable material to stockpile for a SHTF scenario.

    Presumably, in such a scenario, there'd be mass chaos... power outages...roads clogged with cars that you can't find gas to refuel... blazing wildfires no-one is even trying to put out... millions of dead peeps... Seems to me, that copper wire would be ubiquitous in the homes no longer occupied by the aforementioned dead peeps. Same with gold and silver, for that matter.

    I have a few ammo boxes. One has a few dozen pounds of silver. The rest have various caliber ammunition. Unfortunately, all of my firearms were tragically lost in a boating accident years ago, though.

    In a SHTF scenario, I actually don't see me even carrying the silver box with me to my bugout spot. I gotta assume that such travel will be done on foot, or at best bicycle, unless I can rustle up a horse. I don't think I'll be in the mood to carry the silver box for long in favor of the much-more-immediately-useful brass&lead boxes. I'll darn sure bury it so I can come back & get it assuming I survive to see calmer times, where bartering with silver might be viable.

    Problem is, I'd bet that the first few months of such a scenario, ""bartering"" will be done mostly at gunpoint. Resulting in a whole lot more dead peeps.

    I hope such a thing never happens.

    EDIT: here's the current #1 copper stash. Not a stockpile, per se, but I have plenty of space to store, don't need the $ RIGHT NOW, and I think pricing will improve before the previous two factors change.

    Maybe 50-60 pounds at present.
    Well, I don't keep bare bright, but I do keep a stockpile of brass..... More of a JIC I need a bit of quick cash more than a SHTF scenario. But, in a SHTF situation, scrap brass would be handy to have around.

    Sorry to hear about that boating accident, AU. I feel your pain. There I was moving my PM's on a boat and I really didn't feel safe, so I took my guns for protection. Wouldn't you know, that was the trip the skiff capsized. When Master Bata comes looking for my guns and gold, I can show him about where the boat flipped.

    Last edited by t00nces2; 10-18-2019 at 02:54 AM.

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  21. #14
    hills's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by recyclersteve View Post
    Let me add a clarification point. Let's ignore the SHTF situation itself, but think about the early stages of the recovery period when lots of repairs need to be made to infrastructure, etc. If mines are not yet open and producing and you are nowhere near a scrap yard (for instance, if you live in a rural area), I can envision a situation where a handyman type would need some copper around to make needed short-term repairs. Of course, they would also likely want to have WD-40, duct tape and a few other items as well.
    Lol ... it sounds like everyday life here on the island.

    Just kidding .... only serious. It does sound a lot like life here from the 1880's up through into the 1970's. The old timers from my grandfather's & father's generation saved everything for reuse. You name it ... pieces of fabric, rusty nails, license plates, copper wire, worn out tires, pieces of string. Ayuh ... might need that some day.

    Nowadays we just call em' hoarders .... but you have to understand that two world wars and the Great Depression of the 1930's had a profound effect on their psyche.

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  23. #15
    auminer's Avatar
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    I'd pay you MTS for those ducks/swans if shipping wasn't an issue. Still trying to figure out what the object(s) in the upper right is/are...

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  25. #16
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    In a SHTF scenario. Lead would be a good metal to have. AND a way to form it into pellets for a high power air rifle.

    In reality, if the SHTF, any metals going to be quite common quickly for a while.

    Its things like Welding rods for repairing things that are going to dissapear quickly.
    Cleaning chemicals & chemicals, like Iodine crystals.
    Knowing how to make Alcohol from scratch would be a huge advantage.
    Its a cleaning chemical. It kills germs, so its good as a antiseptic, and as a hygienic cleaner, it kills germs in drinking water and it is a usefull & valuable common recreational drug.
    So i guess a stockpile of tobacco would be usefull, particularly if you dont smoke.

    For a future money? Silver. But. This idea i learnt from a scifi book when i was a kid.
    In the book they used Silver wire as money. You bought something, you paid with it in Silver wire, they cut off the length they needed of your wire to pay for the goods.
    The shopkeeper saves up the lengths of Silver for the day or week. Then takes them to the Bank.
    The Bank melts it down. Draws it out into a long wire, runs it thru a machine which embosses a security pattern on one side & a measurement on the other.
    Then the Bank takes its own % as profit & sells the wire back to the consumer. ( Or 'Lends' it...)
    Having the crucible, forge, accurate scales & volume / purity measurment & wire drawing tooling & security/measurement roller dies would be, yes, like printing your own money.

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  27. #17
    t00nces2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by auminer View Post
    I'd pay you MTS for those ducks/swans if shipping wasn't an issue. Still trying to figure out what the object(s) in the upper right is/are...

    Send a private message and we'll see if we can work something out.
    The two items in the top right are brass lamps bodies. I found two and thought wow, those are heavy. Oddly, I wound up picking up two more a couple weeks later. They take up a bit of space, so I wound up scrapping the other two.

  28. #18
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    There were actually four swans. Garage sale. I overpaid.

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  30. #19
    auminer's Avatar
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    Nah, I'm good for now... saddens me to ponder the swans hitting a smelter, though!

    Perhaps if the missus & I head to FL in the not-too-distant-future, we can meet up & share a few hops-based beverages & I can purchase them in person!

    Here's part of my current brass menagerie... you my recognize an item or three...

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  32. #20
    hills's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eesakiwi View Post
    In a SHTF scenario. Lead would be a good metal to have. AND a way to form it into pellets for a high power air rifle.

    In reality, if the SHTF, any metals going to be quite common quickly for a while.

    Its things like Welding rods for repairing things that are going to dissapear quickly.
    Cleaning chemicals & chemicals, like Iodine crystals.
    Knowing how to make Alcohol from scratch would be a huge advantage.
    Its a cleaning chemical. It kills germs, so its good as a antiseptic, and as a hygienic cleaner, it kills germs in drinking water and it is a usefull & valuable common recreational drug.
    So i guess a stockpile of tobacco would be usefull, particularly if you dont smoke.

    For a future money? Silver. But. This idea i learnt from a scifi book when i was a kid.
    In the book they used Silver wire as money. You bought something, you paid with it in Silver wire, they cut off the length they needed of your wire to pay for the goods.
    The shopkeeper saves up the lengths of Silver for the day or week. Then takes them to the Bank.
    The Bank melts it down. Draws it out into a long wire, runs it thru a machine which embosses a security pattern on one side & a measurement on the other.
    Then the Bank takes its own % as profit & sells the wire back to the consumer. ( Or 'Lends' it...)
    Having the crucible, forge, accurate scales & volume / purity measurment & wire drawing tooling & security/measurement roller dies would be, yes, like printing your own money.
    There might be an easier way. For many years ... the governments of NewZealand, Australia, Canada, and the U.S. issued silver coins. Those coins are still around. Some are still in good condition so they have coin collector value. Many, many others are so badly worn that they only have what's called melt value.

    They were once used as currency. There's no reason they couldn't be used as currency again. They're easily recognizable to people of their respective countries. Forgery doesn't seem to be as much of a problem as it is with silver bullion. All around good for small purchases ?

    Silver Coin Melt Calculators | SCT

    I've never used silver for purchases, but an auto dealership was more than happy to accept South African gold Krugerrands in payment for a new truck during our economic crisis of the late 1970's.

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