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People are pretty lax I think on those federal laws... I am sure plenty of people knowingly and intentionally cut up AC units and what have you with the coolant still in it.
One of the very first times to a scrapyard that I won't post the name of here - true story: Me at the scale, employee says loudly: "Hey - make sure you cut the line on that refrigerator when you take it back there to let out all the Freon" Me: blank stare... knowing that is illegal from wrenching on cars for years then thinking to myself - so they yard
doesn't remove the coolant on these things, now I know how they take care of it - NO I didn't cut anything or vent anything... but I find that memory hilarious for whatever reason. It's like seeing a mechanic at a professional shop just letting the AC out of a compressor on a car like air from a tire LOL. Sure maybe a backyard mechanic or something but a place of business instructing someone do that and
on their property to boot was hilarious to me for whatever reason. Still is.
It is unfortunate how lax people are with the federal laws, and I certainly don't want to be part of the problem, and would never cut them myself, but passing them along to someone who does (knowingly) is just as bad in my opinion. I just wish there was a better way that worked for everyone....
A way from people to get rid of freon containing appliances without paying, and a way for people who get them to properly get rid of the freon and still make some money. If there was a place that would empty the freon for a small fee, that would be awesome. Then I could pick them up when I find them, hoard them, and when I get enough take them all to "the guy" who legally and correctly drains the freon, then I pay him some money, plus he gets the freon, and I get to scrap whats left, with some profit left after paying "the guy". Unfortunately "the guy" doesnt exist, and if he did his fee would be more that I would get in scrap after they are drained.
I feel like the only way to make money with freon containing stuff is to do it illegally, by cutting the pipes and illegally release it to the atomosphere, or selling it whole to someone who does it illegally. OR having a massive operation where you can afford to get certified (or get an employee certified), and still come out ahead.