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Curb Weight DB

| Scrap Metal Tips and Advice
  1. #1
    davidatchets started this thread.
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    Question Curb Weight DB


    I'm wondering if anyone knows the most complete, updated and available DB for vehicle curb weights? I found a few outdated and/or very partial db's but nothing really great. Wondering if anyone was able to find anything out there?

    Right now, we Google the make/model/trim/year to get the curb weight. Google does a good job at syndicating all the data in one place, but many times it's not the actual curb weight so it requires clicking through to verify that the one they chose to display is the correct weight which wastes time.

    Would love to hear from you all!


  2. #2
    kss is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidatchets View Post

    I'm wondering if anyone knows the most complete, updated and available DB for vehicle curb weights? I found a few outdated and/or very partial db's but nothing really great. Wondering if anyone was able to find anything out there?

    Right now, we Google the make/model/trim/year to get the curb weight. Google does a good job at syndicating all the data in one place, but many times it's not the actual curb weight so it requires clicking through to verify that the one they chose to display is the correct weight which wastes time.

    Would love to hear from you all!

    Not sure of your programming skills but if you Google "vehicle data API" there are a quite a few that come up. Some are free, some you have to pay for. But using one of those it would probably be very easy to make a script or webpage to get that info for you quickly/easily

    This one looks pretty promising (cause its free and on a .gov)

    For example this URL gets you a JSON return of all 2011 Acura Models and their specs (CW=curb weight)

    You can also get it in CSV or XML. I prefer the JSON though and it is readable if you have a json parsing browser extention.

    If it were me and I needed this I would make a quick HTML file with drop-downs for the makes/model/year and then have it get the data (via an ajax call in js) and just parse out the models and results for you.

    If there is enough interest from anyone I could probably make a quick website that does just that in less than an hour....
    Last edited by kss; 02-06-2020 at 07:54 AM.

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  4. #3
    davidatchets started this thread.
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    Oh wow ! I didn't realize this was available. We have developers that we work with so i will pass this forward to them. I wonder if this is a complete up to date list. Thank you!!

  5. #4
    kss is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidatchets View Post
    Oh wow ! I didn't realize this was available. We have developers that we work with so i will pass this forward to them. I wonder if this is a complete up to date list. Thank you!!
    Yea I am not sure about the completeness, or how up to date they keep it, but it is from the nhtsa so I would assume it is maintained pretty well. If you have a developer you work with they should be able to whip you up an interface to this data in no time.

  6. #5
    JohnC4X4's Avatar
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    I have been using this for YEARS and had very good luck with it

    Hoegh Cube Display

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