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A couple atoms thick on both sides, and most older drives have two platters. When you have 350 drives sitting in a box that's 700 platters or 1400 sides with a couple 'atoms' thick. It all adds up if you're in this game for the long haul and not a quick buck.
Still have to count the time it takes to do all of that work. I send them whole to the shredder an then have the metal process for the Al an platinum.
For those who don't know why they use platinum here is the reason.
We all know a magnet wont stick to Al so how can the hard drive ready the 1 an 0s (1 an 0s stand for north an south on the hard drive) so the only thing that can hold a WEAK magnet field an not change the field next to it...is platinum. That is why you will not find any steel or other metals inside of a hard drive...the hard drive can only have one magnet field in an around it..the Al acts like a shield from outside magnet fields but only small/weak ones That is why they say do not place your laptop or hard drives where they may be a high magnet field. This is a very short an easy way of explaining this...if you would like to learn more then read up on it.