I do have trouble posting pics on here for some reason. Maybe it's a aZ coil that might be it. I take it z coils aren't used as much as A foils given that this is the only one I have ever seen. It was 15 lbs with ends off had 3 ac rads a A frame only has 2. I should be getting a bunch of ac rads. I like A frames since break down is fast longest part is the screws haha. The central ac's I'll probably just take the fan motors and coils and the copper winding on the front with the wires I'll leave the tanks and steel for the other guy . I'll also just take the rads off of the window units they are a bit harder to do since I'll be doing it outside I can take a central ac rad out pretty fast though took me 10 min with impact and cable cutters if I had the sawzall I could have got the big copper lines but I didn't. I just smash the central ac rads down and process them in the shed the A frames I process in the shed to I get them from work. You can fit. 5 central ac rads if you smash them down in a car trunk haha. A frames is different I could only fit 4 in the back seat they don't fit in the trunk of I took the steel and bottoms off then I could smash them down maybe haven't tried it yet though.