I have 4-5 rads would you strip them out or just sell them whole with the steel cut off?.. Looke to be a little time concuming to stip them out just wondering if its worthwhile?
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I have 4-5 rads would you strip them out or just sell them whole with the steel cut off?.. Looke to be a little time concuming to stip them out just wondering if its worthwhile?
Last edited by MrMetal; 07-15-2011 at 11:43 AM.
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Some are easier than others to separate the fins from the copper tubes. I get 1.70 lb. for cleaning them, so I end up doing that most of the time.
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I use a grinder to run along the copper tubes and cut the aluminum fins from the tubes.
People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.
I just turned in a bunch of these the other day. Not knowing any better I got $1 a lb as they were and thought I was doing ok. I asked the guy what he did with them and he said he took a sawzall and cut just behind the metal band or strip behind the copper tube ends. Then he separated the copper, tossed the metal and got more money for the radiator plus the tube copper he got off it. He said "ya know you can do the same thing and get alot more money" In the future I will!
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Bandsaw experiment
Here you will find some answers.
I found the gain made by separation was not worth the effort put forth.
When the white man discovered this country Indians were running it
no taxes, no debt, women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Old Cherokee saying
I did not surrender, they took my horse and made him surrender. - Lone Watie
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for me I have found it is quicker to cut infront of the metal instead of behind, then wack the band with a hammer and it comes right off, when I cut behind the band I have to some times spend time getting the copper ends pryed out of the metal. just my >02
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Same story here,They are normally ali fins & very thin copper tube.
I just cut the copper tube loop ends off with a cut off disc
& the rest goes in with the Ali.
The mixed Ali/copper is the same price as Ali, coppers heavy so I still get a better price in the end. I tell the guy & he removes the mixed Cu/Ali after weighing & chucks it in the correct bin.
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Oops another double post.
Last edited by injunjoe; 09-24-2011 at 07:18 AM.
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Copper ones, always cut the steel off. If it is aluminum, don't worry about it. At least here where I am, that is how it is.
Also, for the side pieces that you do cut off, here is 2 ways of doing it.
1. Before you cut the ends off, or even after, knock all the copper windings off. Turn them in as clean #2.
2. Turn them in with the metal still attached. Sometimes they will knock a little off and pay you for dirty #2, and other times, they wont.
George Beale - Founder & President - info@viprecyclingjunkremoval.com
VIP Recycling Junk Removal LLC - Premier Scrap Metal, Junk, & Electronic Recyclers!
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You can say that again Joe..That sounds like someone is getting a fast one pulled on them.
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George I have a receipt here in front of me from a friend. He did what you said there and turned in the ACR ends with the copper still in the steel. They payed him $0.12 a pound. The steel would have payed $0.10 alone and the copper loops would have payed him $3.55 a pound. He was to lazy to pull them out and cost himself a good amount of easy cash. He had 82 pounds of them. Now I get all of his scrap AC units for free. Now that's a good friend
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Joe, to delete your double post, go to your post, and at the bottom click on the edit button. When that opens go to the 3rd button on the right at the bottom, that's the delete button, hit that and it'll be like your post never existed.Oops another double post.
P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.
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It's lost on those people just like in person, sometimes.seems like there is a large percentage of members that can't seem to find it!
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i also tend to use it as a "like" button, similar to facebook... i should know better
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