After all that, I think a "Let's Go Brandon!" is in order.
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After all that, I think a "Let's Go Brandon!" is in order.
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I normally don't bother with saving the cords but i ran across some flat 12 ga stranded a few days ago. The recovery wasn't half bad. Seems like it might be worth doing if i'm looking for something to keep my hands busy. I should try to keep an open mind about doing this in the future.
I can see why a fulla would just cut the ends off and sell them as electric motors. It would save a lot of time. It's a more productive way of doing the job. Just clamp the ac rad upright in a vise, rip down both sides with a sawzall, and you're done in less than a minute. The clean rads go in one pile. The dirty ends go in another pile as copper bearing material.
It's more complicated if you're looking to save the loops Mike. First off .... you want to make sure you are using a fine tooth sawzall blade so you get a cleaner cut. Use a blade that is 18 or 24 tpi so that you don't get ragged ends. You also get a lot less shaking with a fine tooth blade. A coarse blade will shake your eye teeth out with all the vibration sometimes. Especially if it starts to bind in the cut.
You would be surprised. A nice clean cut makes all the difference in the world when it comes to pulling the loops out of the steel ends. A difference of 1/1000 th. of an inch can be the key factor when working with metal.A ragged end on the copper loop will fight you every step of the way. A clean cut is more apt to pull through smoothly. Sometimes it even falls out all on it's own if the fitup between the two metals isn't too tight.
If memory serves ... i think i've used a punch on the tight fit loops before. You've got to have the right sized metal punch in your tool box though. A lot of time spent fussing with the fine details however. It's always best to ask yourself if it's worthwhile to spend time messing with all the little details or just bang the job out and be done with it.
Last edited by hills; 10-21-2024 at 09:07 AM.
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It's about the same either way T.
I know it looks different .... but the two sides are just opposite faces of the same coin.
In one way or another .... both sides are looking to get their hands into your pocket and use your money for something they want. One side likes to spend on the social programs. The other side favors defense spending.
Money is energy. Energy is power. Imagine being able to wield the power of the generative capacity of an entire nation !
What about the power of a group of nations or even the entire world ?
That is the end goal of both sides. One is no different than the other.
The main thing you have to figure out is to how to keep what's rightfully yours.
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All I know is that life was way better before Brandon and it got better after Barry and Mike.
As to the copper coil ends, I cut down the side as close as I can and use a set of dykes to grab the bend of the coil and lever it out like you're pulling a nail. I throw them into the same bucket as #2 copper and they seem to do just fine in ther.
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I think i understand the code names and what you are saying. The powers that be certainly have made a mess of things. The healthcare system in this country is a train wreck. The local healthcare monopoly here in Eastern Maine is getting ragged around the edges and teetering on the edge of collapse. I was just reading that it's top three executives either quit or were fired last week. The thing is that this was a long time coming. It began fifteen years ago. Even back then ... i could already see what the eventual outcome was going to be. All those years of intensive training in chess taught me to see thirty moves ahead. The reason i abandoned the thing i loved was because it had become so heavily tainted with AI chess bots operating under on-line human accounts. Even international grandmasters were using bots to help them cheat during on line tournaments. The AI sees all possibilities and winning strategies in the blink of an eye on the chess board. We humans are simply outclassed by the computer when it comes to doing this one particular thing.
Anyhow .... i'm rambling here but i'm touching on different ideas that you might be able to relate to because of your past experiences.
The point i'm trying to make is that you have to think longer term. The effects of government policy put into practice today might not be fully realized for another five,ten,or twenty years. You can't really say that Brandon,Barry,or Mike made things better or worse for you. You can't trust anyone to make a better life for you because they all have their own personal agendas and aspirations for power.
It's always been your own personal responsibility to deal with whatever comes your way and make the best possible life for yourself that you can.
• The thing i've found with the ac & dehumidifier coils is that the steel ends are bent different ways depending on how that particular unit was made. Sometimes it's better to cut the noodles off from the outside and knock the steel end off with a hammer. Sometimes you have to cut the steel end off from the inside. You're right though T. A close cut is best. An inside cut that grabs a few layers of aluminum makes the noodles much harder to pry out.
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I try to remain neutral Gil. I'll try to explain why. I work within local government with my regular day job. The morally right thing to do as a servant of the community is to leave any political leanings at the door when i walk into work in the morning. As someone who has taken the oath to support & defend ... it's best to remain non-partisan. You have to rise above all of the political bull**** both center right and center left. Most media outlets are slanted one way or another. They're running their game on you. It's the power of the press.
Another factor in the mix is foreign influence in U.S. elections. There's every good reason that you should stay out of this as well.
You know the forum guidelines here. It's best for us to self moderate and avoid the subjects of religion, sex, and politics.
Try to stay focused on the scrapping trade ... ya know ? It helps keep the peace.
If you look back on one of my recent posts ... i was saying to CD that i view economics and politics as being two completely different fields of study. Pure economics are non-partisan. That's probably an okay subject of discussion. The politics ... not so much. It's a fine line to walk.
Of course ... it's completely up to you guys. It's been years since we've had anyone running around with the mod rod. Seems like they pretty much left us to our own devices.
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I can do 4-5 minimum break down of fan motor wires compressor and dirty rads in 3hrs. Since I can leave the frame mostly intacked.
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I don't know as it's that important but i damaged my wire cutters by using them to yank the brass out of plug ends. The repeated twisting motion loosened up where the two halves of the wire cutter connect.
I tend to use lineman's pliers or vise grips for the loop ends. Slip joint pliers seem to work okay too. You can use the rounded shape of the head to get a rolling & twisting motion going and yank the loops out of the metal end. Fencing pliers are good for different jobs too.
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Those look cool. What all does that thing do? Looks like a combination of different tools. I got a guy who is going to take the ac shells in for me and charge me only 20 percent so that's cool. Since we only have a car . I can fit 160 lbs of clean rads in the trunk tho haha.
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I believe it's a tool that they use when they're installing chain link fence. I've never done fence but it's useful for grabbing just about anything putting a yank on it. Sometimes i use one for pulling out copper motor windings. You grab the winding with the pliers part and then used the curved part of the head to pry the windings out.
It's good that you've got someone to do the steel for you. You really need a truck and maybe even a trailer to haul that stuff to the yard. I toss the ac steel into the front bucket of the loader and run it down to the metals pile at work. The pile is getting awfully big these days. It's easily 14 feet high, 20 feet deep, and 60 feet long. All compacted metal. It ought to make for a pretty good load going out the next time the scrap yard comes around to pick up our metals.
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They are for doing fence for animals with wood posts and barbed wire and other wire. The curved pointy part is for getting fence staples loose and you hammer them in with the hammer part. The little hole at the top is also for pulling staples. The other parts are for grabbing wire and barbed wire. And there are the cutters.
Best to buy a GOOD one as years back a guy my cousin knew bought a cheap one at Menards and the first time he tried cutting wire with it the cutters rounded out.
If you pay for a quality one they last for many years.
This is a fence stretcher. that is also used. I did many miles of fence with my cousin over the years.
I know you may not have need for a fence stretcher, but figured I would give the whole picture.
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I did a couple of more today. One was a smaller window AC. The other was an upright portable AC on wheels
The smaller window ac was about ten minutes to do the teardown. It gets easier as you go along. The more you do ... the easier it gets. You develop a method after awhile.
The upright portable ac took about 3 hours.
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3 hrs hm what did you get on the portable ? Ive never seen one of those. Some of the window ac units I did had some kind of heating element thing ???. I have 6 more to go then I'll have all the acs I got so far broke down. I have 55 in a trailer left and 6 central ac compressors and then 36 acs in another trailer then I'll be done. It's taking me longer than I thought to do 40 ac's haha. I'm going to do 30 at a time instead.
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