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Just taking a guess here, but I would think they say that so you don't bring in rebar AND concrete, since most used rebar has concrete attached to it in some way.
No, this rebar was clean. I wouldn't show up with it any other way.
They were paying 6 or 7 bucks a hundred when clean tin or heavy iron was twice that. Last time I took any to that particular yard they said to unload it quick so the boss didn't see it, cause he didn't want any more at all. (I've since
seen more there, but I don't bother taking it there any more.)
Also steel poles with the concrete base no one likes to deal with.
As far as concrete filled poles, I'll dig one up every now and then, and just bury it again. haven't ever found a cost effective way to get the concrete out of them. If it's only the base that's filled, I might cut the empty portion off with a torch, but pretty often they're full all the way to the top. Fence poles, I'll cut off the filled end and take in the rest.