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Slim pickings, down to scrounging rebars - Page 2

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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by rca987 View Post
    It was my assumption that you had called them to find out that information.
    No, I just took it in. The earlier times they'd paid the lower price, and the last time was when they said they didn't really want it at all.

    My yard pays about 25% less for rebar than they do for shred. It is a super low grade of steel - makes sense when you consider it's purpose.

    Yeah. I was tickled when I had some and went to the second yard, and the guy said it was heavy iron and threw it in the bin with everything else. Now I save it for that when I'm going to that yard.

  2. #22
    fiat128 started this thread.
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    I was talking to the guys where I take most of my light stuff and they don't like rebars because it jams up the shreader. Maybe that's what it is.

    I do know that they will make rebar out of high zinc content steel, which makes it brittle. I just mix rebar in with my other #1 steel and they take it like that. I'd say I usually don't have more than 25% rebar in any load at a time so maybe they are just giving me a good price.

    I've never had anyone at any yard try to dock me for it though.

  3. #23
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    Hey ya'll.

    Quote Originally Posted by rca987 View Post
    Gotta take it where you can can get it. I scrap mattresses and recliners now as well as everything else.

    You would be surprised how many things we use everyday, that contain metal and you never knew.
    I'm new to this forum and kinda ignorant about some things scraping. I will not/can not burn off anything like wire insulation or plastic furniture, etc. So, when scraping mattresses and recliners, etc., what do you do with the trash that will not cost much if anything?

  4. #24
    rca987's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Confungry View Post
    Hey ya'll.

    I'm new to this forum and kinda ignorant about some things scraping. I will not/can not burn off anything like wire insulation or plastic furniture, etc. So, when scraping mattresses and recliners, etc., what do you do with the trash that will not cost much if anything?
    Trash pick up if you live in a house? Or a dumpster if you live in an apartment?
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  5. #25
    Filthy's Avatar
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    my city is weird, they tax you for garbage collection, then make you pay $2.50 for each of these stupid stamped specific green garbage bags that they use here. they wont take your trash unless its in one of these bags, but they will recycle your common plastics, paper and cans and stuff for free. it helps promote recycling because nobody wants to buy their trash bags for $2.50 a piece, but it makes my excess teardown waste a problem for me. any time i have extra room, i use it, but i have taken truck loads to the dump to pay to get rid of it at $90/ton. otherwise i have a few friends who let me use their business dumpster accounts behind their small shops around the county, from time to time. god bless them

  6. #26
    Dawsey is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by Confungry View Post
    Hey ya'll.

    I'm new to this forum and kinda ignorant about some things scraping. I will not/can not burn off anything like wire insulation or plastic furniture, etc. So, when scraping mattresses and recliners, etc., what do you do with the trash that will not cost much if anything?
    Simple, we have trash collection by the local council where I live so if I was to take apart a lawn mower I would put the plastic trash and shell in the recyling bin. For example, a recliner, put the material in a black bag and put it in the normal refuse pile. They take any quantity of rubbish you have. It is great

  7. #27
    Copper Head's Avatar
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    Mattress and recliners have good heavy steel and i found the yards take it as short ( bundle up the mattress coils into a according like thing. Burns like crazy I stick to that stuff in winter as people around me in summer have windows open. that type of metal with some hubs , rims to smooth it over the watchful eyes of the yard men. & your good to go.

  8. #28
    redcrossnj's Avatar
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    scrap rebar is worth it adds up fast , i myself have many of those illegal dump sites and was very busy . my only tool a hacksaw hahaha

  9. #29
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redcrossnj View Post
    scrap rebar is worth it adds up fast , i myself have many of those illegal dump sites and was very busy . my only tool a hacksaw hahaha
    Hmm, I notice theres a a lot of rebar sticking out of the concrete they have used in different places as a stopbank & ground fill.
    Thats around estuarys & riverbanks & seashores where they pile it up & then backfill the gap with soil & gravel.
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