just wanted to pass along that a few months ago I was tearing apart an old computer that had 2 TEAC 5.25" floppy drives. I was thinking of how old and out of date these things are and which scrap pile I should put them in. Well, I then did what I have learned as lesson #1 in the scrap business....research! I saw where they had a number of these things listed, but wasnt sure how successfully they sold, considering they are old and "just junk". Well, I posted them as a pair and after a few weeks finally sold them for $40 plus shipping...YES...$20 apiece! Sure,
ebay and paypal took some of that, plus my time to box and ship, but still better than scrap!
Anyway, I came across another one just the other day and wondered if my sale was a fluke. So I listed it yesterday and it just sold today! I adjusted the price to $25 including shipping, so next time I find one I'll bump it up some. I even disclosed that I wasnt even sure if it worked and had no way to test, and it still sold! Lesson learned...keep doing your research. There is money laying around everywhere!