so good to have you on the forum with us kat. There are some very wise and talented people on here. I've learned sooooo much and I try to pass it on if I can. If I get it wrong,the more experienced ones will correct me !! The wire stripping and motor breakdowns are the two most talked about "conundrums" !! Olddude said it best..."it's like talking about vanilla ice cream and chocolate." Actually, there's a little more to it, but what it comes down to is that everyone has to decide for themselves what's best for them. The more motors you break down, the faster you do it...of course. And fans are a great place to start. You will curse your first vacuum and some people just say never for goes as a motor...then there are those who say vacuums are nasty...or not worth they just clip the chord and leave it. To me that walking off and leaving $$$. To invest or not to invest in a
wire stripper. What kind ? Manual or motorized ? Nobody can make those decisions for anyone else. But what we can do...and what we do discuss it. It helps...even if some get sick and tired of seeing it come up again...every person says it in their own unique way and adds to our "processsing" reserves for future thinking.....
As Hoss would say...."If that don't make sense...I'm drunk."