I used to make a part time living dismantling bikes and parting them out on
ebay. On the average I would make 300 to 800 a bike depending on what it was. The problem being is it is tedious, You have to strip the bike, it takes a long time to list all the parts and then you have to ship all the separate parts. If it is a popular model parts can go quick if not you will sit on them or not sell them at all. Some guys I know still do it but with the time involved and the way feebay is now I backed away from it.
Like some of the others said if you can flip it for $100 bucks that would be the way to go. If it is a 250 enduro or motocross you are looking at 200 to 260 pounds total. You can break it down into aluminum and steel but the time to money aspect will be strained. Much of the aluminum has steel parts attached or pressed in so you have time dealing with that in the separation.
However if it is an aluminum frame model it might be worth the separation. because the frame and swingarm could have some good aluminum weight and make it worth the effort along with the other aluminum on the bike.