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Lead Wheel Weights

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  1. #1
    Ohio Scrapper started this thread.
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    Lightbulb Lead Wheel Weights

    Just wanted to let everyone know that there's a pretty good market for these on ebay. I've been saving them from the wheels I scrap out and had 52 lbs. of them saved up. Scrap price would have brought about $14.00 and I ended up getting $32.07 on ebay.

    Shipping wasn't bad either, they fit in a medium Priority Flate Rate box for $10.50. The buyer is happy, I'm happy, not sure the post office was though! Just thought I'd throw this out there.

  2. #2
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    yeah, bet that goes over like a box full of lead with the USPO !

  3. #3
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap Junky View Post
    Just wanted to let everyone know that there's a pretty good market for these on ebay. I've been saving them from the wheels I scrap out and had 52 lbs. of them saved up. Scrap price would have brought about $14.00 and I ended up getting $32.07 on ebay.

    Shipping wasn't bad either, they fit in a medium Priority Flate Rate box for $10.50. The buyer is happy, I'm happy, not sure the post office was though! Just thought I'd throw this out there.
    Hate to be the bearer of bad news, your not selling lead.

    Lead use on wheel weights has been banned for years, what your getting is zinc.

    A quick way to tell if its zinc, melt a couple skim the dross off then pour into a cast iron frying pan, on cooling you will have these neat crystals form that look similar to the same crystals on galvanized metal dipped in zinc.

    Hang a wheel weight onto string then tap it with a bit of steel, if it rings it's zinc. Lead is dead and has no ring to it.

    The good news is that your zinc has more demand than lead because of the laws pertaining to it. The only sport that I'm aware of that can legally use lead shot is the black powder boys with their muskets and flintlocks.

    Tin metal on the other hand cries when you bend it,
    Last edited by gustavus; 09-23-2011 at 08:14 PM.

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  5. #4
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    My yard pays 40 cents a pound wheel weights.

  6. #5
    Ohio Scrapper started this thread.
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    Mine is (was) only paying 28 cents a pound. Probably lower than that now with prices dropping.

    Gus, thanks for the info, I learn something new from you everyday!

  7. #6
    Enoch43 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I disagree, Gus. You mention blackpowder, but the fact is almost EVERY bullet is cast from lead (Pb). Even FMJ and JHP ammo has a lead core 99% of the time. I am aware that some states are requiring the use of non-toxic wheel weights, or zinc ones, but in much of the country lead wheel weights are still the most common to be found, and are often sought out by reloaders and casters as feedstock for their melt pot. OP, you should advertise your WW's on a local firearms forum or reloading forum, I bet you can sell them locally and avoid shipping costs!

  8. #7
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enoch43 View Post
    I disagree, Gus. You mention blackpowder, but the fact is almost EVERY bullet is cast from lead (Pb). Even FMJ and JHP ammo has a lead core 99% of the time. I am aware that some states are requiring the use of non-toxic wheel weights, or zinc ones, but in much of the country lead wheel weights are still the most common to be found, and are often sought out by reloaders and casters as feedstock for their melt pot. OP, you should advertise your WW's on a local firearms forum or reloading forum, I bet you can sell them locally and avoid shipping costs!
    Your yanking my chain, I do agree however that he would make more per pound selling locally, however are we sure that it is lead that he has to sell and not zinc . I did go onto explain to him how to tell the difference with using simple tests without using acids.

    The black powder boys would be very upset using zinc for shot, this metal is much harder than lead and raises havoc with the gun barrels.

    You can bet your ass any imports coming into North America will have zinc wheel weights affixed to the wheels.
    Last edited by gustavus; 09-23-2011 at 09:41 PM.

  9. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by gustavus View Post
    Hate to be the bearer of bad news, your not selling lead.

    Lead use on wheel weights has been banned for years, what your getting is zinc.

    A quick way to tell if its zinc, melt a couple skim the dross off then pour into a cast iron frying pan, on cooling you will have these neat crystals form that look similar to the same crystals on galvanized metal dipped in zinc.

    Hang a wheel weight onto string then tap it with a bit of steel, if it rings it's zinc. Lead is dead and has no ring to it.

    The good news is that your zinc has more demand than lead because of the laws pertaining to it. The only sport that I'm aware of that can legally use lead shot is the black powder boys with their muskets and flintlocks.

    Tin metal on the other hand cries when you bend it,
    As far as my research shows, while the EPA had a Petition out in 2009, it was withdrawn. CA., is the only State I know of with a ban on lead ww's, however there might be more. At this time, no Fed. Ban is in place.
    The easiest and fastest way to tell lead, zinc and iron ww's apart, is with a sidcutter. A quick pinch with one will let one know if it's lead. Telling iron from zinc isn't near as obvious with the cutter. If using heat or melting, zinc also has a higher melting point than lead wheel weights, and by quite a bit, so that is rather obvious as well. I just picked up a 5 gal. bucket of ww's the other day. I haven't melted them down as of yet, but in my initial pinch test, I haven't come across any zinc or iron ww's. Although I'm betting there are some of those in there. That matters none, other than affecting my PB yield. They will simply float out when I melt the Pb ww's down, and be skimmed off. That's just a matter of running the right temperature.
    I do believe as time goes on however, one will see Pb WW's become a thing of the past. Just one of those trends. As for shooting and hunting sports, Pb is still widely used, with the exception of CA. At this point, and I can't remember for sure, but have heard it was either or both WA. and OR. following suit with CA. And fwiw, Pb ww's will have a slight ring as well, due to the Sb content.
    Last edited by onesonek; 11-02-2011 at 04:31 AM.

  10. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap Junky View Post
    Just wanted to let everyone know that there's a pretty good market for these on ebay. I've been saving them from the wheels I scrap out and had 52 lbs. of them saved up. Scrap price would have brought about $14.00 and I ended up getting $32.07 on ebay.

    Shipping wasn't bad either, they fit in a medium Priority Flate Rate box for $10.50. The buyer is happy, I'm happy, not sure the post office was though! Just thought I'd throw this out there.
    I'd say you got a pretty good price there. Personally I don't like paying more than 10 cents over scrap for raw Pb COWW's. As I will have time and fuel cost to smelt them down for my needs. But then, the buyers at Ebay is a whole different story at times.
    You might give Criag's List a try also.
    Last edited by onesonek; 11-02-2011 at 04:46 AM.

  11. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dumpster Dee View Post
    yeah, bet that goes over like a box full of lead with the USPO !
    LOL, yep. I have had our USPS delivery guy grunt'n on more than 1 occassion. But hey, it's their rules,,,"if it fits,it ships, up to 70lbs.".
    Done right, one can get 60+ lbs. of Pb ingots in a FRB, and still make it to the destination in one piece. Most I have received, was just under 64lbs.. (raw WW's, I'm not sure on how much weight would fit),,,,Ol Rick the USPS driver wasn't amused, but it comes with the territory.

    On aside note,,, $1.00 per/lb. for ingots, plus shipping isn't uncommon, if one has the time or desire.
    Last edited by onesonek; 11-02-2011 at 06:35 AM.

  12. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by gustavus View Post
    Tin metal on the other hand cries when you bend it,

    and of course...

    We're the renegades of Junk!

  13. #12
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    I do my best not to make Tin cry, saves on the guilt complex when I melt it down

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  15. #13
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    Someone passed this to me and so I'll pass it along as one of the best gun auction sites going, anything gun or ammo or accessories.

    I had deleted this since I just saw it as a link to a gun auction site. It was actually intended as a place for you to sell your lead.

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  16. #14
    mrbillbus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    This thread was linked over on the cast boolits forum. I thougth I would return the favor. Maybe you can all make each other very happy.

  17. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrbillbus View Post
    This thread was linked over on the cast boolits forum. I thougth I would return the favor. Maybe you can all make each other very happy.
    I might be wrong, but that almost sounds like an instigation.
    I would tread carefully here with that aspect.
    Let me explain, as I seen this thread linked there myself.
    My purpose was an attempt to somewhat set the record straight, and is in part why I joined. The other part will come out shortly.
    As I see it, we are nearly brothers. The folks here do what they do, in hopes to make money, as I see it. The folks at CastBoolits, in part do what they do, to save money. They are a frugal lot in most instances. I can't remember who was searching there, and linked this site, but the reality of it is, it opened the door to 20,000+ possible customers here. Some of which may only be a 1/2 hour down the road from you. Now I don't think, those here thinking they can go there to sell lead in it's various forms, would work so well, at least at first. It's a pretty close family there, and they like to know who is selling on the board. Any more than a odd lot one time sale also would likely involve some vendor rules also. But they will come here looking, if they think they can fill there wants and needs.
    Like me, if I can't find all I want locally, I will buy it elsewhere. I have had lead shipped to me from CT, and I live in MN. Supply is short here, and the price shipped from there was reasonable.
    While I believe, there was misinformation posted in this thread initially,,,,,I also believe there is good chance some benefits to come out of this for all. But make no mistake about it, the greater share of good ol boys at CB know their alloys and what pertains in all aspects. With that very little slides under the radar. Make misinformed statements in the context of fact, such as above with the WW's, and somebody will take notice.
    The second reason I came here from there,,,,,, I know I don't have near the lead on hand I want. With that, to me this site looks like it could be another possible source for my wants and needs.

    just food for thought,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    Last edited by onesonek; 11-03-2011 at 04:12 AM.

  18. #16
    mrbillbus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by onesonek View Post
    I might be wrong, but that almost sounds like an instigation.
    I would tread carefully here with that aspect.
    Let me explain, as I seen this thread linked there myself.
    My purpose was an attempt to somewhat set the record straight, and is in part why I joined. The other part will come out shortly.
    As I see it, we are nearly brothers. The folks here do what they do, in hopes to make money, as I see it. The folks at CastBoolits, in part do what they do, to save money. They are a frugal lot in most instances. I can't remember who was searching there, and linked this site, but the reality of it is, it opened the door to 20,000+ possible customers here. Some of which may only be a 1/2 hour down the road from you. Now I don't think, those here thinking they can go there to sell lead in it's various forms, would work so well, at least at first. It's a pretty close family there, and they like to know who is selling on the board. Any more than a odd lot one time sale also would likely involve some vendor rules also. But they will come here looking, if they think they can fill there wants and needs.
    Like me, if I can't find all I want locally, I will buy it elsewhere. I have had lead shipped to me from CT, and I live in MN. Supply is short here, and the price shipped from there was reasonable.
    While I believe, there was misinformation posted in this thread initially,,,,,I also believe there is good chance some benefits to come out of this for all. But make no mistake about it, the greater share of good ol boys at CB know their alloys and what pertains in all aspects. With that very little slides under the radar. Make misinformed statements in the context of fact, such as above with the WW's, and somebody will take notice.
    The second reason I came here from there,,,,,, I know I don't have near the lead on hand I want. With that, to me this site looks like it could be another possible source for my wants and needs.

    just food for thought,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    Not sure what you mean by instigation. I saw it as an opportunity to bring together people with complementary interests. Nothing more nothing less.


  19. #17
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    Ok Bill, I stand corrected. It wouldn't be the first time, where I read more into than what was intended. And so I apologize, to you for my misconstrued thought!
    But I agree, I think there is complementing interest!!!

  20. #18
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    lol i pay the local auto shop 25 cents a pound for it..melt them down skim the top...then remelt them and make sinkers out of them and sell them to the local bait house...

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