Originally Posted by
I might be wrong, but that almost sounds like an instigation.
I would tread carefully here with that aspect.
Let me explain, as I seen this thread linked there myself.
My purpose was an attempt to somewhat set the record straight, and is in part why I joined. The other part will come out shortly.
As I see it, we are nearly brothers. The folks here do what they do, in hopes to make money, as I see it. The folks at CastBoolits, in part do what they do, to save money. They are a frugal lot in most instances. I can't remember who was searching there, and linked this site, but the reality of it is, it opened the door to 20,000+ possible customers here. Some of which may only be a 1/2 hour down the road from you. Now I don't think, those here thinking they can go there to sell lead in it's various forms, would work so well, at least at first. It's a pretty close family there, and they like to know who is selling on the board. Any more than a odd lot one time sale also would likely involve some vendor rules also. But they will come here looking, if they think they can fill there wants and needs.
Like me, if I can't find all I want locally, I will buy it elsewhere. I have had lead shipped to me from CT, and I live in MN. Supply is short here, and the price shipped from there was reasonable.
While I believe, there was misinformation posted in this thread initially,,,,,I also believe there is good chance some benefits to come out of this for all. But make no mistake about it, the greater share of good ol boys at CB know their alloys and what pertains in all aspects. With that very little slides under the radar. Make misinformed statements in the context of fact, such as above with the WW's, and somebody will take notice.
The second reason I came here from there,,,,,, I know I don't have near the lead on hand I want. With that, to me this site looks like it could be another possible source for my wants and needs.
just food for thought,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,