OMG! They are diecast Magnesium!
Ok, some could be aluminum, but the ones I find are much lighter & so I think they are magnesium.
I think Magnesium is US$0.07cents a Lb
(from this site-
Hell, thats cheap, dunno if thats correct by the look of it.
Most Ali has magnesium in it but I do separate out my magnesium if I'm sure it is Mg.
Otherwise I have been putting the stuff I'm not sure about into the Ali bin, whoops....
I do know the little arms in a harddrive are Mg.
The stuff is soo light, has a different 'ring' to it when you tap it, sound goes forever, well 15 - 30 seconds.
I notice or scrapmetalers don't have a price for it.
I'd like to see all metals that are cast or diecast, have a symbol on them indicating the makeup of the metal.
Just like plastic has.