you work in one...i OWN one lol.cut prices down 30...ask your top hauler how bad his prices are down if he says anywhere near 30 id be shocked..before i owned a yard i was a small time scrapper..then got big then opened a yard...but i never took a hit over 5 dollars when i was cutting and hauling..the more i produce the less i lose...they will make it up on someone else and kept me happy at the same time lol.this post shows me you know very little on the business side..sure you seem to know the basics but dig not saying as a small time talking the big yards holding out on the mills...i sell to mills by semi loads..of course thats only way to sell to them is train car or semi...big time yards most definately drown mills out...if a mill puts out an order and its not being met they have no choice but to up their prices...i give all sorts of different prices to different people..the farmers that come in get lowballed all to hell and they dont care they just want it off their land..i have had more then one person tell me they can sell it higher else where..i tell them to and they always come biggest field scrapper who doesnt own a yard who just beats the brush brings me on average 80 ton a week...i usually make 10-20 bucks a ton off him..but i have way more small time people i make close to a hundred a ton off of then the big guys....i own everything outright and have the cash to hoard until i get the prices i want so its no big deal to me...but as a guy who deals with the mill daily..i have had more then one call of desperation from them...theres a reason the mill i goto makes me keep x amount of tons in the yard at all times to do business with them...but i dont have to do business with them as there are 3 mills in my not going to argue about this but
scrap prices do the same thing every year...towards winter they go down..because the yards are stockpiled from the part time scrappers from summer...then after the first snow the prices skyrocket..and usually stay high until feb..and then level off..and usually about that time is when the metals market surges..i have rarely seen both ferrous and non ferrous surge at the same time...

Originally Posted by
You can't drown out a scrap yard there is no such thing. The mill is either buying or its not it all has to do with there order books. When the books are strong the price is up because they need to melt it and have to have a secured stock pile. When the books are showing signs of weakness the price drops. Hence we don't need your metal we can always find a seller at our desired price. The prices are down 30 on cut material this month with no orders being booked or minimal activity. Check out your local mill they have piles of scrap that need melted therefore they can afford to let it slide and sit idle. The mill just lost money on those piles and will make it up next month when they let it slide again in december and start buying slowly so it can drop again in Jan. Then they made there money on the product they have now and can break even or make a few bucks. When the price is climbing and they are clamoring for scrap to meet there melt schedule that is when you see the price go up and yards holding out to make the most amount on the product they have on the ground and incoming. The fatal mistake your yard made was booking an order to big and not having the product to fulfill the order. Remember the mills are pigs and can reject or outright cancel an order whenever they want for whatever reason they want. They know when the price is going up and when its going to down. To hold out would be silly and for yards with cash flow problems or not much cash on hand this would be suicide to hold out all the time and hope and pray the price is going to go up the next month. If we knew what the market was going to do each month I wouldn't be in the scrap industry I would be in vegas hegging my bets against the price each month. Not saying I know everything. I just work in a scrap yard every single day and have a little insight into whats going on.