First, sorry if this is in the wrong area.
Second, I hope I don't sound like a dumba** asking this.
Would you guys mind giving me some advice and feedback on sorting? I've read alot on here, from different members/posts and would like to have everything sorted as properly as i can before I go to the yard with a load of stuff and look like a dumba**
First, I have my buckets of "steel"...screws, vcr/dvd player cases, VCR "decks" (minus motors, big shiny head, and copper components), curtain rods....basically anything magnetic. (Big items get stashed on the side of my garage...washing machine tubs, filing cabinets, bicycles, etc"
Then theres the "brass" bucket...obviously brass components/fittings/spent shell casings.
"number two copper wire"...stripped wire, mainly from TVs and the windings on electrical boards.
A small bucket for copper tubing from dehumidifiers, ends cut off of copper/aluminum radiators, etc...I don't deal with much of this right now, so small bucket lol.
Two different aluminum buckets, for "cast" and basically anything else...heatsinks, mop/broom handles, etc.
Bucket for "motors" off of boards, including the big one on the corner of a tv/monitor board that has one wire running to the top of the tube
Bucket for bigger motors...ones that can have the copper cut and motors, dryer/washer motors, etc.
a garbage can full of boards with motors, copper components, and aluminum removed, but nothing they still have steel heat sinks, and basically anything not aluminum or copper...will a yard take boards like this?
A garbage can of power coards with the ends clipped off
A garbage can of all other wiring, copper and aluminum mixed together, all the "tiny" wires, coax, phone coards
a container of plug ends. I began pulling out the connectors and putting them in a small container ofter clipping off the copper tails, proven very tedious and trying to find a differnt way, was told these were brass
Bucket for "stainless"
Bucket of LI-Ion...alkalines, don't know what to do with them
Thats about it so far. Any advice/or feedback? If misplaced feel free to move....if stupid feel free to delete...thanks again....